- House prices are low; it's a good time to buy. 现在房价很低,买房子正是时候。
- The car prices are low; it's a good time to buy. 现在汽车价格低,买车正是时候。
- When prices are low, he buys in. 价格便宜时他买进。
- Holiday prices are lower out of season. 在度假淡季,度假费用较低。
- Prices are low in sympathy with the general depression. 物价是随着市面的普遍萧条而低落的。
- GROUNDFISH: Fish prices are low in the Netherlands, especially for plaice. 底层鱼:荷兰的鱼价比较低,特别是拟庸鲽。
- Holiday prices are lower out of season . 在度假淡季;度假费用较低.
- Mr.Hilton made a killing on the stock market; he bought a lot of shares when the price was low and sold them when the price went very high. 希尔顿先生在证券市场获得很大成功,在股票价格低的时候,他买进了许多股票,结果价格涨到很高时,他抛了出去。
- We could get a new computer now or hold off until prices are lower. 我们现在就可以买新计算机,不然就等到降价再说。
- It is wiser to save for times when oil prices are low or for the generations who will come after the oil runs out. 明智的行为是存下来以应对油价下跌的时期,或留给石油耗尽后的后代人。
- As a general rule, prices follow demands; if there is no demand, prices are low. 一般说来, 物价随需求而变化; 没有需求, 物价就会降低。
- Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up. 股民们总是逢低建仓,逢高就抛售。
- They laid in a good supply of coal in the summer,when prices were low. 夏天价格便宜时,他们存了好多煤。
- They laid in good supply of coal in the summer,when prices were low. 他们趁夏天煤价很低时储备了许多煤。
- The actual price was lower than I had thought. 实际价钱比我想象的便宜。
- They laid in a good supply of coal in the summer, when prices were low. 夏天价格便宜时,他们存了好多煤。
- Thanks to imports from China, prices are lower and real incomes higher. 多亏从中国进口商品,价格更加低廉而实际收入增加了。
- They laid in good supply of coal in the summer, when prices were low. 他们趁夏天煤价很低时储备了许多煤。
- We were pipped at the post by a firm whose price was lower. 我们最后让一家出价低的公司击败了。
- We didn't win the contract: we were pipped at the post by a firm whose price was lower. 我们未得到那份合同的生意,最後是让一家出价低的公司击败了我们。