- Price Yearbook of China II. 中国物价年鉴2。
- Market statistical yearbook of China II. 中国市场统计年鉴2。
- "Statistical Yearbook of China", published by ... ...出版的《中国统计年鉴》
- Studies on the real property of China II. 中国房地产法研究2。
- Jurassic system in the north of China II. 中国北方侏罗系2。
- The historical atlas of China II. 中国历史地图集2。
- A guide to the core journals of China II. 中文核心期刊要目总览2。
- Company law of the people's republic of China II. 中华人民共和国公司法注释本2。
- Mosaic structures and wave movements of the crust of China II. 中国地壳的镶嵌构造与波浪运动2。
- Glimpse of imperial examination life in past dynasties of China II. 中国历代科举生活掠影2。
- Yearbook of ShenZhen and HongKong real estate II. 深港房地产年鉴2。
- Statistical yearbook of Qingdao II. 青岛统计年鉴2。
- Study on Income Difference of Rural Residents of China II. 中国农村居民收入差距研究2。
- Legal analysis of typical cases of medical disputes of China II. 中国典型医疗纠纷法律分析2。
- Note : Values are collected and calculated according to Rural Energy Yearbook of China [12 ,13 ]and Energy Policy Research , 2002 (1) . 注:3根据《农村能源年鉴》[12,13]和《能源政策研究》2002年第1期的数据计算整理。
- Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China II. 中华人民共和国海关进出口税则2。
- Shareholding System Reformation in the State Enterprise of China II. 国企股份制改造实务2。
- This is recorded in the yearbook of 2002. 这个被记录在2002的年鉴里。
- Yearbook of Vienna Chinese school. 维也纳中文学校校刊设计。
- The Research of Market of the Investment Funds Runs and Develpment Problems of China II. 中国投资基金市场运行与发展问题研究2。