- So she drank to feel better about herself.And six vodka martinis later,she was feeling pretty damn good. 因此;她只有喝些酒来让自己感觉好一些.;在六杯伏特加马丁尼下肚后;她的感觉好极了
- And we have the Billy Beane-Theo Epstein - Ned Collett - Scott Pioli Voltron of a GM in Daryl Morey, who is pretty damn good. 我们还有最佳球队总经理莫雷,他做得也非常好。
- She may not be the best bounty hunter in beautiful downtown Trenton, but Stephanie's pretty damn good at turning situations her way and she always gets her man. 特别提出了制订饮食食谱和活动日程安排十分重要,以及常刷牙和正确使用烤箱有助减肥,提供了具体的饮食、运动参考数据。
- We got out of there pretty damn fast. 我们很快就离开了那个地方。
- Pretty Damn Good 很好
- Smells pretty damn bad, Warden! In fact, it smells just like shit. “简直太难闻了,监狱长,闻起来就是大粪!”
- You know, he's a damn good letterer... |你知道 他是个很好的文字书写员...
- It seemed a damn good principle at the time. 在那时,这被看作是一个相当好的原则。
- A look in our fridge is pretty damn scary. We eat a lot of crap. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- A bar mitzvah's always followed by a damn good party. 成人礼庆祝仪式之后,总要举行个热热闹闹的聚会。
- You know how hard it is to make a damn good promo ad? 说真的,对于这道高墙,我一点都不知道我能做些什么才能让它消失。
- It better be a damn good game since it took so damn long to make !! (最好能是个该死的好游戏,因为花了该死的这么长时间来制作!)
- She saidsome pretty damning things about him. 她说了他一些坏话。
- Not because you're the most graceful butterfly in the garden, but simply you're you, and you're pretty damn fabulous! 并不是因为你是花园里最优雅的一只蝴蝶,只是因为你就是你,你就是这么棒!
- LL: PDQ stands for "Pretty Damn Quick." You came back from the restroom very quickly, you were PDQ! 噢,你是说我动作快啊,我是不想让你等,当然PDQ啦。
- I just can't see us throwing away something we know is so damn good. 我只是不能眼睁睁看着一段美好的感情就此破灭.
- Warden? There's a space here between the walls 'bout three feet across! Smells pretty damn bad! “监狱长,墙壁间有空地儿,大约三英尺宽。气味很难闻!”
- Actually, marketed properly, these eggs could be a damn good motivator. 彝斯咖魔口味非常棒:带有黄油味,还有点坚果味。
- As far as I can remember, the pool in 97 was pretty damn poor. The picks below Tim like Van Horn, Ron Mer ... 凯尔特人的管理层至今仍在说,如果1997年选择邓肯的是他们,那现在辉煌的将不是圣安东尼奥。