- Pretension Concrete Piles 预应力管桩
- The Analysis and Prevention of Pretensioned Concrete Piles'Quality Drawback 预应力管桩质量弊病分析与防治
- The precast concrete piles are used for the foundation of the plant. 基础采用打入式混凝土预制桩基础。
- Works included installation of concrete piles and steel sheet piles, excavation and installation of steel shoring. 工程包括全个污水厂的打桩、打闸板、挖泥、设计及安装挡土措施。
- Bored and cast reinforced concrete piles were adopted as the foundation for piers and abutments of Huangjiadun Middle Bridge in Lewen Expressway. 某高速公路黄家墩中桥因墩下土层为软弱地层而采用钻孔灌注桩作为墩台基础。
- A successful exa mple of underwater pile splice of bored cast-in-situ concrete piles is also give n. 为水下灌注桩接桩提供了一个成功的实例。
- The technology of one time long twist drill superfluid concrete piles overcomes the shortcomings of traditional drill breast wall concrete piles. 长螺旋钻孔压灌超流态混凝土一次性成桩工艺,克服了原有复杂的钻孔护壁灌注桩的弱点。
- pretension concrete stand column 预应力砼管桩
- Drilling & grouting superfluid concrete pile is a new kind of construction technique for filling pile. 钻孔压灌超流态砼桩施工工艺是一种新型灌注桩施工工艺。
- The article is an attempt analyse common accidents that happen in the process of punched bored concrete piles, several preventive measures will be suggested after the analyses. 本文针对冲(钻)孔灌注桩在施工过程中产生的各种常见事故,分析其原因,并分别提出对各种事故应采取的预防和处理措施。
- The results concerning 70 static load tests of auger bored cast with pressure concrete piles are presented and the values of shaft friction and toe resistance are proposed. 给出了软土地区 70根长螺旋钻孔压灌粉煤灰混凝土桩的单桩静载荷试验结果 ;由此得到软土地区长螺旋钻孔压灌混凝土桩桩侧阻和桩端阻的取值方法 .
- Experimental research on load transfer mechanism of pretensioned high strength spun concrete piles[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2004,26(1):95-99. PHC管桩荷载传递的试验研究[J].;岩土工程学报;2004;26(1):95-99
- The paper presents the technology and quality assur anc e measures for underwater pile splice of bored cast-in-situ concrete piles in ti dal areas. 本文叙述了潮间带灌注桩水下接桩工艺及质量保证措施;
- The "Benoto-Veder"pile walling consists of concrete piles accurately interlocked one with the other to form a complete vertical support to the sides of the excavation. 钢筋混凝土桩墙施工法是把混凝土桩紧密地排在一起,在地槽两侧形成完整的垂直支撑;
- This paper proposes a simple and feasible mathematical model for appraising the quality of a concrete pile by using the method of ordered sample set. 应用有序样品的聚类方法,建立了一种检查灌注混凝土桩基质量的简便可行的数学模型。
- This paper analyses filament breakage and sliding wire of pretensioned concrete,so it can provides guidance of construction. 对张拉钢绞线施工中断丝、滑丝现象予以理论分析,并据此指导施工。
- Under the complex geological condition where the backfill is on thick soft clay, the design method of combining fly ash concrete pile and lime pile is presented. 针对深厚软粘土上覆新回填土的复杂地质条件,提出了粉煤灰混凝土桩与石灰桩联合进行地基处理的设计方法。
- I make no pretension to skill as an artist, but I enjoy painting. 我并不自命有画家的技巧,但我喜欢绘画。
- Based on the application of cast-in-place thin-wall concrete pile (PCC) in Yan-Tong Expressway, a series of field experiments and monitoring are conducted. 为了解现浇薄壁管桩复合地基的加固机理,在盐通高速公路试验段进行现浇薄壁管桩单桩复合地基静载试验。
- A New Technology of Pretension Concrete Anchor Slab Soil Nail Wall Support 预拉力混凝土锚板土钉墙支护新技术