- Pressure curve track 压力曲线跟踪
- Stage filling mechanism of lenticular sand body has been studied by using capillary pressure curve. 毛管压力曲线是用来评价储层孔隙结构和储层原始含油饱和度的最有效的方法。
- The hydraulic fractures crossing the salutatory barrier need a lot of energy accumulation, which can lead to a notable fluctuation of pressure curve. 水力裂缝穿过突变体需要比较大的能量积累,泵压会有显著波动。
- Based on the capil lary pressure curve and the fractal geometry, the fractal capillary pressure and the relative permeability model are set up. 在压汞测试的基础上 ,利用分形几何学原理和方法 ,建立了毛管压力曲线分形模型和相对渗透率的分形预测模型。
- We quantified the decline in mean arterial pressure by calculating an area above the mean arterial blood pressure curve. 我们通过计算平均动脉压曲线上部一部分的区域的面积来定量平均动脉压的下降。
- The wettability index of rock surfaces under a given condition, WR, was determined quantitatively from the pseudo capillary pressure curve measured in the process of imbibition. 由自吸过程中所测得的拟毛管压力曲线,可定量确定岩石表面在某一特定条件下的润湿指数(WR)。
- In view of the brittleness of the surrounding rocks of underground roadways, it is best that the contour of roadways takes the shape of a pressure curve. 正>目前煤炭工业中地下巷道维护所用的支护形式,不外被动支护(围岩破坏后作用于支架,如砌(石旋);
- Performances of different packing materials were compared through the product of the slope of HETP(height equivalent to a theoretical plate) curve and pressure curve. 填料粒径主要从柱效和压力两方面影响着制备色谱的应用。
- The reliability of the result is proved by the data of geologic characteristics capillary pressure curve, relative permeability curve and well production. 并根据该气田地质特征及毛管压力曲线、相渗透率曲线、试采等资料,研究证明了结论的可靠性。
- Plan of single-leaf sliding doors with curve track 行曲轨的单扇推拉门平面图
- Squealing is dominant on the curved tracks of underground subways. 号叫是统治的在地下地铁弯曲的轨道。
- In the wave trough of the pressure curve, the pressure may be then if the rocket is accelerating or if it has assembling defects, the early explosion of the grenade on the ballistic may be caused. 该模型的微分方程计算结果表明微小弹簧在弹道上的振动过程会使导电杆的受压产生周期性变化,尤其是在一些波谷处,导电杆几乎不受压力,此时如果有火箭加速和其它装配缺陷等因素的影响,就会引起弹丸在弹道上的早炸。
- Through capillary pressure curve study of sand stone reservoir in beisheng area,tuha oilfield,a new approach to establish reservoir pore and throat volume distribution is put forward. 通过对吐哈油田胜北地区砂岩储层岩石毛管压力曲线研究,提出了建立储层孔喉体积分布预测模型的新途径。
- This paper addresses the use and characteristic of capillary pressure curve, and discusses the relationship between stage filling mechanism of lenticular sand body and pore throat structure. 从毛管压力曲线用途及曲线方法本身特点出发,对透镜状砂岩体阶段式充注机理以及与孔喉结构的关系进行详细探讨。
- This paper presents a simplified mathematical model for describing the water block mechanism and its influences, based on Darcy's formula and relative permeability curve and capillary pressure curve. 根据达西公式及相对渗透率曲线和毛管压力曲线的表示式,提出了一个描述水锁机理及其影响因素的简化的数学模型。
- An Analysis on the Curve Track Side Abrasion of Metro 地铁曲线钢轨侧磨分析
- Through a case study of Zhangtianqu Oilfield this paper obtains the capillary pressure curve and microcosmic pore structure parameters using microcosmic network stochastic simulation. 摘要以张天渠油田为例,应用微观随机网络模拟法获得毛细管压力曲线和微观孔隙结构参数。
- Shortcut Putting the Line of Curve Track Construction 弯道施工简捷放线法
- Results show better agreement between predicted and measured capil-lary pressure curves. 毛细管压力的拟合曲线与实测的毛细管压力曲线有较好的一致世。
- automatic unloading in curving track 曲轨自动卸载