- Pressler borer 普来斯娄生长锥
- What method can kill the borer in the tooth? 什么办法可以杀掉牙里的蛀虫?
- Effect Analysis on Controlling Maize Borer with Trichogramma spp. 应用赤眼蜂防治玉米螟的效果分析。
- The occurrence reason of striped rice borer at Yongkang recently and control. 锐劲特在防治水稻虫害中应注意的几个问题。
- This poison helps the plants resist insect, especially the maize borer. 毒素可以帮助农作物抵抗害虫,尤其是玉米钻孔虫。
- This poison helps the plants resist insects, especially the maize borer. 这种毒药有助于植物防虫,特别是一种喜欢钻玉米孔的虫。
- Brain and play your level of English, let us get more books borer word of it. 动动脑筋,发挥出你的英文水平,让我们的图书蛀虫吃到更多的单词吧。
- It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer. 这种玉米中含有能够抵御玉米螟的基因。
- Mr Davidowitz thinks Mr Pressler will have to go because he has lost all credibility. 大卫德威茨先生认为普里斯勒必将去职,因为他已无可信度可言。
- Digging is done by forcing the borer into the ground and twisting the handle. 把钻孔器用力插进地里,转动把手,就可以实现挖掘。
- Pressler, who had monitored the re-vote process in Ukraine's Odessa said that the workers from both Yushchenko and Yanukovich camps also monitored the vote by "taking pictures. 同时,欧安组织和东欧国家的观察员认为乌克兰的此次选举是“民主而有效的”,但独联体国家的观察员对选举进程表示怀疑。
- Rubart M,Pressler ML,Pride HP,et al.Electrophysiological mechanism in a canine model of eryhromycin-associated long QT syndrome[J].Circulation,1993,88(part 4):1832. 邓万俊.;红霉素与双异丙吡胺之间可能致命的相互作用[J]
- Main equipments such as: large-scale vertical lathe, borer, butterfly valve testboard etc. 主要设备有:大型立车?镗床?蝶阀测试台等。
- The invasion of the ameraled(emerald) ash borner(borer) was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan in 2002. 2002年在密西根底特律附近第一次发现这种甲虫。
- The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan, in 2002. 这种外来的翠绿色的白腊树虫于2002年在密歇根州的底特律市发现。
- The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan, in2002. 这种外来的翠绿色的白腊树虫于2002年在密歇根州的底特律市发现。
- Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine. 杨干象是杨树重要的蛀干害虫,为全国性森林植物检疫对象。
- Mixtures of triazophos and abamectin or phioxim,isocarbophos and methomyl seem to be synergitic to the borer. 三唑磷与辛硫磷、阿维菌素,灭多威与水胺硫磷混配,对二化螟均具有增效作用。
- Simulation model of multivariate dynamic economic threshold of Asian corn borer. 亚洲玉米螟多元动态经济阈值模拟模型
- The Motsoh (Anoplophora glabripennis) is a notorious Trunk borer, which eats the woodand settles in wood. 光肩星天牛[Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsoh)]因其幼虫钻蛀木材,是著名的林业蛀干害虫。