- Press the manual rewind button. 按压手动倒片按钮。
- If e manual rewind button is pressed while the film is rewinding, the film leader will not be rewound completely so that a portion of the film leader protrudes from the film cassette. 如果倒片时,您按压了手动倒片按钮,胶卷的牵引头将不会完全倒进去,部分牵引头露在胶卷盒外。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- Everything's ready; we're just waiting for you to press the button. 一切都准备好了,我们只等你下命令了。
- During a call, press the snapshot button to send a snapshot. 在呼叫过程中,按Snapshot键发送一幅快照。
- In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button. 遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。
- Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。
- He pressed the button to call the lift. 他按键招呼电梯。
- Darrius Sayle: Press the button. 塞尔:快按按钮!
- Just press the button and the engine will start. 按一下按钮,发动机就会起动。
- Yes,but don't forget to press the START button. 是的,但不要忘记按“开始”键。
- A photo is taken each time you press the button. 每按一次按钮就拍下一张照片。
- Press the view button to display the Viewhere menu. 按View按钮显示Viewhere菜单。
- It is no use offering the manual labourer the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. 对于体力劳动者来说,在周末的下午给他们提供踢足球或打棒球的机会是无益的。
- Can you press the fire button 27 times a second? 你能在一秒按出27下攻击键吗?
- Press the button for the elevator. 使用电梯时,按一下电梯的按纽。
- Check the manual transaxle fluid level. 检查手排变速箱液位。
- Can't you read the manual for yourself? 你不能自己读手册吗?,带有责难的意味。
- Press the button and the door opens by itself. 按一下按钮,门就会自动打开。
- Why don't you read the manual for yourself? 你何不自己读使用说明书?