- Prennancy induced hypertension 妊娠并发症
- ObjectiveTo study the relation between changes of every hypophysial hormones and pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). 目的探讨垂体激素水平变化与妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征)的关系。
- Abstract:The etiology and pathogenesis of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) remain still unknown. 摘要妊高征具有明显的遗传倾向,其发病机理尚不清楚。
- Objective To evaluate the effect of Labetalol in the treatment of severe pregnancy induced hypertension. 目的评估拉贝洛尔在重度妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征)患者产后降压治疗中的作用。
- Objective:To explore effective prevention methods of pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIH) and eclampsia. 目的:研究重度妊高征、子痫的有效防治方法,减少并发症的发生,降低孕产妇及围产儿死亡率。
- The etiology and pathogenesis of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) remain still unknown. 妊高征具有明显的遗传倾向,其发病机理尚不清楚。
- Objective To investigate the relationship between adrenomedullin(ADM) and pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). 目的探讨肾上腺髓质素(ADM)与妊高征之间的关系。
- These small molecule inhibitors also induced hypertension in mice, confirming the importance of DDAH in the regulation of blood pressure. 这些小分子抑制物也能诱导小鼠的高血压,证实了DDAH在血压调节中的重要作用。
- Objective To study the mechanism of using Chinese medicine tarragon soup to prevent and cure pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIM). 目的探讨运用中药茵陈汤预防及治疗妊高征的机理。方法回顾分析116例孕中晚期服用茵陈汤的孕妇发生孕高征的情况,并与普通孕妇比较。
- The ultrastructure changes of placental tissue and blood lipid peroxide levels of patients with pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIHS). 关键词:妊娠高血压综合征;胎盘超微结构;病理学改变;脂质过氧化物
- Abstract: Objective To study the cause of decreased erythrocyte deformability and its relation to pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). 文摘:目的探讨红细胞膜脂质成分的变化与妊高征的关系。
- Aim: To study the role of NO in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) in the development of stress induced hypertension (SIH). 目的:探讨大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)内NO在应激性高血压(SIH)发病中的作用。
- Purpose:To study the hemodynamic changes of the central retinal artery (CRA) in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). 目的:探讨妊高征患者视网膜中央动脉的血流动力学改变。
- Objective To compare the mRNA expression of endothelin-1(ET-1),ET-1 receptors ETA and ETB in placenta villous from normal pregnancy(NP) and pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). 目的探讨妊娠高血压疾病患者胎盘绒毛组织内皮素-1(ET-1)及其受体(ETA、ETB)的mRNA表达,了解其与妊娠高血压疾病的关系。
- The main symptoms were scar uterus,abnormal fetal position,cephalopelvic disproprotion(CPD),premature dilivery and pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIH),etc. 高危妊娠的病因构成依人口不同而有别,主要是疤痕子宫、胎位异常、头盆不称、早产、妊高征等等。
- Objective: Our aim was to study changes of levels of follistatin (FS) in maternal serum and placenta in pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIH) and the clinical significance. 目的:研究妊高征患者母血及胎盘组织中卵泡休止素(FS)水平变化的临床意义。
- The nursing of 7 cases of pregnancy induced hypertension complicated with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP) syndrome is analyzed in this study. 笔者总结了7例妊高征并发溶血、肝酶升高血小板下降(HELLP)综合征病人的护理。
- Objective To determine the cause of decreasd expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in placental tissue from cases of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). 妊高征是导致孕产妇和围产儿患病率及死亡率升高的重要原因之一。
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH).one of the most common complications of pregnancy is associated with significant fetal and maternai morbidity and mortality. 妊高征是常见的并发症,是孕产妇和围产儿死亡的主要原因之一。
- Objective To study the role and clinical implications cance of calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the development of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) syndrome. 目的探讨降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)在妊娠高血压综合征(PIH)发病中的作用及其临床意义。