- Microseism, as a kind of regional monitoring means, is used to predict and forecast the great dynamic force calamity of the mine. 微震作为预测预报矿井重大动力灾害的一种区域性的监测手段,同时具有谱成分丰富、频带较宽的特性。
- From the definition of geomorphic hazards,this paper expounds four basic topics should be solved for the prediction and forecast of geomorphic hazards. 从地貌灾害的定义入手,阐述了地貌灾害预测预报需要解决的四个基本问题、解决这四个问题的二种途径,以及进行预测预报的四种方法。
- Finally, the prediction and forecast techniques of spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore piles were prospected, which is of great significance for sulfide ore production. 展望硫化矿石堆自燃预测预报技术对硫化矿山的安全生产具有重要的指导意义。
- We shall emphatically make a study of prediction and forecast of air pollution nearby Beijing suburb, the trend of nitroxide pollution of Beijing and its key control technology and its application. 重点开展北京市近郊区空气污染预测预报研究与应用;北京市氮氧化物污染发展趋势及关键控制技术研究与应用;
- We shall emphatically make a study of prediction and forecast of air pollution nearby Beijing suburb,the trend of nitroxide pollution of Beijing and its key control technology and its application. 重点开展北京市近郊区空气污染预测预报研究与应用;北京市氮氧化物污染发展趋势及关键控制技术研究与应用;
- geological prediction and forecast 地质超前预报
- The result of an example shows that the prediction and forecasting precision are preferable. 实例表明本预测模型的拟合和预测精度均较好。
- With the social development and science and technology's progress,the prediction and forecasting techniques of coal self-heating in the goaf are becoming more and more mature. 随着社会的发展及科技的进步,采空区煤炭自燃预测预报方法也越来越见成熟。
- Studies on Life Habits and Forecast of Hypatima sp. 荔枝亥麦蛾的生活习性及预测预报研究。
- Application and forecast on the Isozymes of Hemiptera insects. 同工酶在半翅目昆虫中的应用及展望。
- Considerations of this kind let to a prediction and a gamble. 这类考虑导致猜测和冒险。
- Update information for order statistics and forecast in time. 及时更新订单情况和预测信息。
- coal and gas outburst prediction and forecasting 煤瓦斯突出预测预报
- To be responsible for reporting, managing, predicting and forecasting preventive and therapeutic information on mental disorders. 承担精神障碍防治信息的报告、管理和预测、预报。
- It used Markov modeler to model and forecast spatial series. 使用马尔可夫模型对读请求的空间特征进行建模、预测。
- prediction and forecasting methods 预测预报方法
- MAFS is a decision support system for market analysis and forecast. 摘要MAFS是一个面向市场分析与预测的决策支持系统。
- Structure prediction and protein design are closely related. 蛋白质设计和蛋白质结构预测是紧密相关的.
- Why predict and design protein structures and complexes? 为什么要进行蛋白质及聚合物的结构预测和设计?
- I missed the boat on my prediction and had to pay dearly. 我错过预测的机会,为此付出了高昂的代价。