- Practise for 15 minutes. 练习15分钟。
- Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes. 用中火煮15分钟。
- Loose your fist and put the swab on for 15 minutes. 请松开手,用棉签按压15分钟。
- Mix all ingredients and marinate for 15 minutes. 把所有馅料材料混合在一起腌15分钟。
- The mixture is homogenized in a ball mill for 15 minutes. 混合物在球磨机中均化混合15分钟。
- No attempt to contact a source will be made for 15 minutes. 在15分钟内不会进行联系时间源的尝试。
- Cook bigeye and tomatoes in boiling water for 15 minutes. 将水煲滚,放入大眼鸡鱼及番茄煲15分钟。
- Get an indoor trampoline and jump gently on it for 15 minutes. 那就搞一张室内蹦床在上面轻轻地跳上15分钟。
- Shred chicken, stir in salt and white pepper. Stand for 15 minutes. 先将鸡肉切丝,再加入盐及胡椒粉,腌约15分钟。
- Degas the dough, cover and allow to rest for 15 minutes. 按压面团排出气体,盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟。
- Deseed bitter melon and section. Soak in salt water for 15 minutes. 将苦瓜去籽,切件;然后以盐水浸约15分钟。
- Top each cup with a pastry circle, pressing to seal. Bake for 15 minutes. 在每个杯子顶部放一个馅饼皮,压下密封盖。烤15分钟.
- Trim and slice turkey giblets. Mix in seasoning and marinate for 15 minutes. 火鸡肾去筋,切片,拌入调味料腌15分钟。
- Season with salt and let sit for 15 minutes, mix well with eggs and cornstarch. 用盐加味后放旁边醒15分钟,以后再加鸡蛋和玉米淀粉混合。
- Stuff chicken wings with fried egg, lettuce and apple. Marinade for 15 minutes. 将鸡蛋、生菜及苹果酿入鸡翼中,用腌料腌15分钟。
- Day and 30 female giant salamander mating, each continued for 15 minutes. 每天要和雌海狗交配30次,每次持续15分钟。
- Drop by tablespoonfuls on an oiled baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. 先把烤盘刷一成层油。用小匙,一匙一匙的放在烤盘上。放入烤箱烤15分钟。
- Bake at 200C/400F for 15 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. 入预热200C/400F烤箱烘焙15分钟左右直到淡金黄色。
- Remove stalks from mushrooms, mix with seasoning and steam for 15 minutes, drain and halve. 冬菇去蒂,拌入调味料蒸15分钟,取出,隔净,开半。
- After fermenting, brush with egg and slice over the middle. Bake at 175C/350F for 15 minutes. 完成后在面团上刷上一层全蛋液,中间割一刀。入预热175C/350F的烤箱,烘焙15分钟左右。