- Study on the feasibility of estimating potassium content by rice spectral analysis. 利用水稻光谱分析估测钾素含量的研究初报
- Scientifically proven, high potassium content of foods can reduce the incidence of stroke. 科学证明,含钾高的食物可以降低中风的发病率。
- The nitrogen, phosphor and potassium content in substrate showed downtrend basically. 基质中氮、磷、钾元素含量基本呈下降趋势。
- Soil fungi number and urease activity were negative correlation with soil available potassium content. 土壤真菌数量、脲酶活性与有效钾含量呈负相关。
- With "Fuji" apple trees used as the subject, biomass, potassium content and accumulation in different parts of apple trees were studied in this paper. 摘要以“富士”苹果树为试材,对树体生物量及不同器官钾含量和钾累积量的变化规律进行了研究。
- If hyperkalemia in patients with renal failure, kidney failure situation, with the need to limit potassium diet, and high potassium content of coffee. 肾衰竭肾衰竭患者若有高血钾现象,需配合限钾饮食,而咖啡含钾量较高。
- In general, T1, T4 and T7 treatments were optimized in improving the leaf tissue structure and incresing potassium content. 总体上T1、T4和T7改善上部烟叶组织结构,提高钾素含量的效果较为明显。
- The relative potassium content in milled rice or hull and crude protein content in milled rice was higher for the efficient genotype than that for the inefficient genotype. 钾高效基因型在低钾胁迫下谷壳和米粒中具有较高的钾相对含量 ,其米粒中的粗蛋白相对含量也较高。
- The potassium content is compare rich in shift factor injection liquid and thymosin in jection liquid.9 metal elements content are differents in several biologicals. 不同的生物制剂中9种金属元素的含量有一定差别。
- Mitochondrion potassium content and ratio were also reduced, and potassium content and proportion were increased in chloroplast with supplied potassium. 结果还表明,在不同干旱程度下,适量施钾可以减少烟草叶肉细胞光合活性的下降。
- The potassium content in tobacco leaves was increased greatly by keeping its top unremoved and dressing K2SO4 after transplant, combined with applying IAA at topping. 留顶和移栽后追施硫酸钾结合打顶时涂1次生长素可以明显提高烟叶钾素含量,尤其后者更加明显。
- Organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium content was higher than barren sand, increasing by 1.78, 1.97, 1.64, 1.14 times, it showed Salix psammophila checkerboard improved fertility condition of soil. 设置沙柳沙障后沙丘土壤有机质含量是对照地的1.;78倍,全氮含量是对照地的1
- Based on 2-D-optimum orthogonal design field experiment in the jointing-heading period of Phleum pratense L. , the results show that potassium content is the most productive on the seed yield, phosphorus comes next and nitrogen the least. 摘要采用二因素D-饱和最优设计,通过猫尾草拔节-抽穗期的根氮、磷、钾和茎叶氮、磷、钾的含量对其种子产量和产量因子进行灰关联熵分析。
- So the potassium content in the stem of Kexin 1 and that in the tuber of Shepody can be used as an important physiological indicator of quality predication and new variety selection for fried foods. 因此,可以把克新1号茎秆中的含钾量和夏坡蒂块茎中的含钾量作为油炸食品加工原料品质预测和新品种选育的重要生理指标。
- Organo-mineral compound fertilizers are digested withsulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid-perchloric acid, respec-tively, and then their total potassium content is determined. 用硫酸-过氧化氢和硝酸-高氯酸分别对有机-无机复混肥料进行消化处理,然后进行总钾含量的测定。
- For the reseason of parent material, topography, climate conditions and cultivated history, the soil potassium content of Guizhou province is on the level of middel or higher in the beginning of '80. 因母质、地形、气候条件和垦殖历史等原因,20世纪80年代初贵州土壤钾素含量处于中等或较丰富水平。
- No potassium did we find in this mineral. 在这种矿石中我们没有发现钾。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- were not significant potassium content 钾含量
- Potassium content in Erythrocytes 红细胞钾