- Postlaminectomy lordosis 椎板切除后脊柱前凸
- Lumbar lordosis (Cobb agle) was measured in each position. 同时测量在每个体位下腰椎前凸的Cobb角。
- Pelvic incidence correlated directly with lumbar lordosis but not kyphosis. 骨盆倾角与腰椎前凸直接相关而与后凸无直接相关。
- Improement in segmental lordosis and disc height was similar in both groups. 两组节段性脊柱前凸和椎间盘高度的改进则相近。
- Objective: To study the effect of iontophoresis with TongBi solution in the intervention of postlaminectomy fibrosis. 摘要目的:通过动物实验观察和评价通痹液分子透入对硬膜外瘢痕粘连干预作用的效果,并初步探讨其作用机制。
- The Experimental and Clinical Study on Prevention of Peridural Adhesion Postlaminectomy by the Use of Fascia-fat Piece and Sodium Hyaluronate. 玻璃酸钠与带蒂筋膜脂肪片预防椎管粘连的实验与临床研究。
- In past years, Pfaff and his colleagues have teased apart the neural circuitry and hormonal regulation of lordosis. 在过去几年中,普法夫和他的同事们开玩笑除了电路的神经和激素调节前凸。
- The group of cells that generates lordosis behavior resides deep in the brain in a structure called the hypothalamus. 该组的细胞,产生前凸行为深居住在大脑中的一种结构称为下丘脑。
- X-ray showed scoliosis, absence of phy-siological lordosis and widening of intervertebral space. 线平片检查显示脊柱侧凸,腰椎生理前突消失,相应椎间隙后侧增宽。
- Disc height, lumbar lordosis, and DCSA were measured and the different positions were compared. 然后在以上体位分别测定和比较腰椎间盘厚度、腰椎前凸曲线和硬脊膜囊横断面积。
- The product model was experimented by X-ray, and it had a good response to the effectiveness of cervical lordosis. 新产品的使用经X线拍摄分析,表明使用时颈椎处于微微仰伸状态,具有良好的回复颈椎曲度的功效;
- This method is particularly suitable for those abdominal lordosis, thick waist, hips plump women. 这个方法特别适合那些腹部前凸,腰围粗壮,臀部肥硕的女性。
- If lordosis was not satisfactory,the rods could be bent in situ.Posterolateral bone grafting was finally performed. 结果本组无死亡,无神经功能损害加重,1例深部感染。
- Fusion rate, segmental lordosis, and disc height were assessed by roentgenography. 通过X线评价融合率、阶段性脊柱前凸和椎间盘高度。
- KS artificial fasciae is safe and effective in limiting the direct contact by the postlaminectomy epidural fibrosis in rats. 在动物实验中,KS人工腱膜能够安全有效的预防椎板切除术后硬膜外瘢痕黏连。
- Rectification of lordosis can be achieved in fresh fractures with the kyphoplasty technique and, even more efficiently, with the lordoplasty procedure. 在新鲜的骨折中,球囊扩张椎体成型术可以改善脊柱前凸,若实施前凸成型术会更有效。
- Fixed flexion deformity of the hip forces the lumbar spine into lordosis on assuming an upright posture and may aggraate lower back pain symptoms. 髋关节固定性屈曲挛缩可引起腰椎前突,以便恢复直立姿势,从而加重下腰痛症状。
- The radiographic results revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of segmental lordosis, with the numbers available. 放射线检验结果显示在两组普及率节段性前凸无显着差异。
- They are wedge shaped vertebrae, and therefore can cause an angle in the spine (such as kyphosis, scoliosis, and lordosis). 半椎是楔状椎骨,因此能够能使脊柱弯曲成角度,如后凸畸形,脊柱侧弯和脊柱前凸。
- Associated reversal of the normal cervical lordosis also identified .No evidence of cervical compression fracture,bone bruise ,or infiltrative disease. 现在家庭医生说不能摔跤;不能拿重的东西;大家说说还要注意什么;我们会根据情况常来报告情况;希望大家多多帮忙.