- Post Evaluation of Legislation 立法后评估
- The evaluation of expressway"s social and economic influence is one of the main contents of the post evaluation. 高速公路社会经济影响评价是公路基础设施投资项目后评价的主要内容之一。
- Want to begin the post evaluation of from bottom to top, form scientific evaluation mechanism, implement a group seriously in the center of, labor department allots jointly " expert of countrywide youth station rewards method " each regulation. 要开展自下而上的岗位评价,形成科学的评价机制,并认真落实团中心、劳动部联合下发的《全国青年岗位能手奖励办法》的各项规定。
- the post evaluation of construction project 偏好决策表
- This is a significant piece of legislation. 这是一项重要立法。
- The government rejected any idea of legislation. 政府驳回任何立法的意见。
- The chances of legislation being a roved were slim. 赌波合法化获通过的机会甚微。
- Research on Post Evaluation of Expressway Construction Project 高速公路建设项目后评价研究
- The House of Commons takes charge of legislation and finance. 下议院负责立法和财政。
- Study on the Post Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Landslide Control 滑坡防治工程效果的后评价研究
- The right of legislation belongs to the Congress in the U.S.A. 美国的立法权属于国会。
- The Study on Ex Post Evaluation of Land Consolidation Investment Project 土地整理投资项目后评价研究
- The quality control and evaluation of suppliers. 对供应商的质量控制与供应商的质量考核、评价。
- Follow-up and evaluation of training impact. 对培训影响的跟踪调查和评估气体技师。
- Evaluation Of Quality Education In School P.E. 学校体育教育的素质教育价值审视。
- Evaluation of Company Pilot Reports. 公司飞行员报告的评估。
- Critical evaluation of Wu Li's religious thought. 吴历宗教思想述评。
- Visual evaluation of coloration in hazen units. 英文标题 Chemical analysis of organic products.
- Next, it concretely analysizes the necessity of legislation. 其次,对立法的必要性进行了具体分析。