- Ports Design Limited 宝姿时装有限公司,简称宝姿
- A designated limit or point of termination. 截止期指定的期限或终结点
- However type of K030 diameter is small, it makes over large pressure drop.And the port design brings flow maldistribution is serious. K030则因为管径过小,除了造成入出口压降过大,产生不必要的压力损失,同时形成严重的分布不均。
- USB, which is an input/output port design like the common parallel, serial, keyboard and mouse ports on PCs, allows devices to work automatically and without conflicts between each other. USB与PC机上常见的并行、串行、键盘和鼠标器端口一样,是一种输入/输出端口设计,它让设备自动工作,互相之间不会出现冲突。
- About UsGRA landscape plan art design limited based in beautiful gold coast zone California USA. 我们希望用双手和智慧创造出更广阔的具有生命含义的“绿色”空间。
- Hong Kong Mingrui landscape architectural design Limited( M& Y) Since its inception in1996 to landscape architectural design. 香港明瑞景观建筑规划设计有限公司(&)1996年成立以来致力于景观建筑设计。
- USB,which is an input/output port design like the common parallel,serial,keyboard and mouse ports on PCs,allows devices to work automatically and without conflicts between each other. USB与PC机上常见的并行、串行、键盘和鼠标器端口一样,是一种输入/输出端口设计,它让设备自动工作,互相之间不会出现冲突。
- CIAA Urban and Landscape Design Limited Company is founded in 2004 in Shenzhen as one of the China Branches of the ARCHISCAPE DESIGN PTE. 思雅城市景观(CIAA)有限公司是一间在城市环境景观方面经验丰富,实力雄厚的专业公司。
- Shenzhen, a model of the design Limited specializes in the production of all types of building model design, is the most creative one of the model. 深圳市联创模型设计有限公司专业从事各类建筑模型设计制作,是国内最具创造力的模型公司之一。
- After a slow start,Universal Serial Bus,a PC port design that automatically communicates with multiple attached devices,promises to make life simpler for users and vendors alike within the next year. 经过缓慢的起步后,通用串行总线(USB)终于有望在明年使用户和供应商的生活变得更加简单,USB是一种PC机端口设计规范,它实现挂接的多种设备自动通信。
- Decorate expert Heng Sen interior design limited company answers: The question that this netizen raises is very detailed, make we have specific aim more when the answer. 装修专家恒森室内设计有限公司答:这位网友提出的问题很详尽,使我们在回答时更有针对性。
- After a slow start, Universal Serial Bus, a PC port design that automatically communicates with multiple attached devices, promises to make life simpler for users and vendors alike within the next year. 经过缓慢的起步后,通用串行总线(usb)终于有望在明年使用户和供应商的生活变得更加简单,usb是一种PC机端口设计规范,它实现挂接的多种设备自动通信。
- Beauty its design limited to outside, does not lie in the touching contact surface which innovates to take to the user user-friendly the control experience. 其设计之美不限于外,更在于以创新的触摸界面带给用户人性化的操控体验。
- A Super Hub Port is a port designated by the national government to support its development through selective and concentrated funding. 超级中枢港是由国家政府指定的港口,政府有选择地并集中资金来支持它的发展。
- Series SD3 is a dual check with atmospheric port designed for the protection of the water supply from carbon dioxide gas and carbonated water. 系列SD3是带大气端口的双止回阀,适用于保护水供应系统免受二氧化碳气体和碳酸水的污染。
- Heavy celebrate big Tang to design limited company to provide various different brands establishment and design service, provide extensive brand adviser and creations specialist for customer. 重庆大唐设计有限公司提供各种不同的品牌建立及设计服务,为客户提供广泛的品牌顾问及创作专才。
- Shanghai Zuni indoor decoration design Limited, said Chen Jun, deputy general manager, the reason, and self-decoration, decoration can be purchased whole save time and money and effort. 上海进念室内设计装饰有限公司副总经理陈军表示,按理说,与自行装修相比,购买全装修可谓是省钱省时省力。
- The cabinet is marginally bigger than the CC1 with two new bass drivers and is front ported as opposed to the rear ported design of the CC1. 两个全新的低音单体是与CC1的对照下修改设计而成。
- The thick client design limits the number of devices that can be supported due to the limited device capabilities currently in the North American market. 胖客户端设计限制了能受支持设备的数量,这是由于目前在北美市场上设备性能有限。
- When you design a template part, there are design limitations that you must consider. 设计模板部件时,有一些必须考虑的设计限制。