- A hallow tomato to be stuffed with south France spices and minced beef, with butter toasted. 挖空的红蕃茄内填入南法香料、蕃茄与低筋牛绞肉,拌牛油烤出鲜浓茄汁为佐酱。
- The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle. 小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。
- Chicken Kiev,stuffed with butter (USSR) 黄油鸡卷
- Spread the bread thickly with butter. 把面包抹上厚厚的黄油吧。
- She dressed the vegetables with butter and salt. 她在蔬菜里面加上黄油和盐。
- She filmed a slice of bread with butter. 她涂一层薄薄的奶油在一片面包上。
- Don't try any funny stuff with me! 别想跟我耍鬼花招!
- My daughter asked me to buy her a pillow stuffed with feathers. 我女儿请求我给她买一个羽绒枕头。
- Muffin is usually toasted and eaten hot with butter. 松饼通常烤热加黄油吃。
- He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter. 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。
- A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. 这条被子是用绒鸭毛做芯子的。
- She spread the bread with butter. 她把黄油涂在面包上。
- His mouth was stuffed with food. 他的嘴里被食物塞得满满的。
- This film is stuffed with blood and murder. 这部影片中充斥着暴力和凶杀。
- Steamed tofu stuffed with pork bits and salted fish is one of the most exquisite dishes in Hakka cuisine. 酿豆腐是质地柔软的豆腐里,镶嵌带有鱼鲜味的肉碎,为客家菜中较精致的一道菜。
- His head is stuffed with silly romantic ideas. 他满脑子天真的想法。
- Would you like your bread with butter on it? 您的面包要涂黄油吗?
- Please spread me some bread with butter. 请给我一些抹了黄油的面包。
- The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. 这个袋子里塞满了脏衣服
- Fried with butter, a shake of pepper. 用黄油煎过以后,再撒上胡椒面吧。