- Professor Pacob sees immigration as part of an overall population policy . 帕科布教授认为,移民是整个人口政策的一部分。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the publisher policy section of the configuration file is applied to an application domain. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否将配置文件的发行者策略节应用于应用程序域。
- As one of the most popular and effectual propagation medium at present, the television undertakes the important population policy propaganda task. 作为目前最大众化、最具效力的传播媒介之一,电视承担着重要的人口政策宣传任务。
- China's population policy has two objectives: control of population growth and improvement in quality of the population. 控制人口增长数量和提高人口素质,是中国人口政策的两个方面。
- In addition to research articles, the journal will publish a policy section focused on the Indian subcontinent, as well as a short section on the teaching of economics. 除了研究性文章,期刊还增加了聚焦于印度次大陆的政策版块及有关经济学教学的简短版块。
- Those charts obviously provide important statistical input for shaping a population policy for Hong Kong. 这些图表提供了重要的统计资料,对于制定香港的人口政策极具参考价值。
- Aiming at the phenomenon, whether Guangdong province also should broaden population policy? 针对这种现象,广东省是否也应该放宽人口政策?
- Our country's actual population policy is always disputed, many regions make some rectifies according to their facts. 摘要我国现行的人口政策一直受到争议,很多地区根据的实际情况进行了适当的调整。
- The Chief Secretary for Administration has submitted to me the report on population policy, which covers many policy areas. 政务司司长已向我提交了人口政策研究报告,内容涵盖多个政策范畴。
- Because of limitation of the class and the times, Qianlong government had not conbined the population policy and the grain question together. 但由于阶级和时代的局限,乾隆政府在处理粮食问题时没有也不可能把控制人口政策和粮食问题结合起来,实现两者的协调解决;
- The influence of population policy and population transformation on the sustainable of economic growth has very important theory meaning and practical value. 摘要人口转变、人口政策影响经济增长的可持续性研究具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。
- Only by proceeding from the reality of the country,independently setting up its population policy and target,as well as plans and measures to realize this target,can the population problem of each country be effectively solved. 各国只有根据本国的实际情况,自主地确定其人口政策和人口目标以及实现这一目标的方案与措施,才能有效地解决各自的人口问题。
- However,as there was still the lack of a deep understanding of the seriousness of the population problem and the government still had not worked out a clear population policy,family planning was not effectively carried out throughout the country. 但是,由于对人口问题的严重性认识仍不够深刻,政府没有制定明确的人口政策,因此计划生育没有能够在全国有效地推行。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Each state has the sovereign right to formulate and implement its population policies in accordance with national objectives and needs. 各国有按照本国目标和需要制定和实施其人口政策的主权。
- Only by proceeding from the reality of the country, independently setting up its population policy and target, as well as plans and measures to realize this target, can the population problem of each country be effectively solved. 各国只有根据本国的实际情况,自主地确定其人口政策和人口目标以及实现这一目标的方案与措施,才能有效地解决各自的人口问题。
- Farm workers make up only a small section of the population. 农民只占人口的一小部分。
- However, as there was still the lack of a deep understanding of the seriousness of the population problem and the government still had not worked out a clear population policy, family planning was not effectively carried out throughout the country. 但是由于对人口问题的严重性认识仍不够深刻,政府没有制定明确的人口政策,因此计划生育没有能够在全国有效地推行。
- This paper presents an approach to the current frangible resources and environment foundation, that is, scientific population policy + system creation + technique creation + resources globalization. 中国应对资源环境基础脆弱性的措施可总结为:科学的人口政策+制度创新+技术创新+资源国际化。
- So we should study on the population policies to make migrant labors harmonize with metropolitan development in Shanghai. 因此,应加强上海外来人口迁移政策研究,协调外来劳动力和上海大都市互动发展。