- Popular feeling ran high. 群情激昂。
- On agonistic field, player strive to be the first, cheering squad Populars feeling ran high. 竞赛场上,选手争先恐后,啦啦队群情激昂。
- Feelings ran high as the election approached. 选举临近,大家情绪都很激动。
- Patriotic feelings ran high among the intellectuals of Shansi, but Yen would allow no demonstrations or any public anti-Japanese propaganda. 在山西的知识分子中,爱国情绪十分高涨。可是阎锡山不允许示威,也不允许任何公开的反日宣传。
- Feelings ran high . 群情激昂。
- Public feeling was aroused [ran high]. 群情激昂。
- Passions ran high as the election approached. 选举日期临近,人们情绪很高涨。
- He was carried forward on a wave of popular feeling. 他为公众的情绪所推动。
- The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern. 海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。
- The old professor made a speech that inflamed popular feeling. 老教授作了激情的讲演。
- You must not let your feeling run away with you. 你不要感情用事。
- Feelings are always running high in an election. 在选举期间,人们的情绪总是激昂的。
- WenChuan Earthquake is terrible,but popular feeling is warm. 汶川地震是可怕的,人心却是温暖的!
- Interest in the game has been running high this year. 人们对这项运动的兴趣今年一直非常高涨。
- Anti-American sentiments ran high Saturday in Iran. 星期六伊朗反美情绪高涨。
- Why is affection of some popular feeling abrupt indescribable low mood? 为什么有些人心情会突然莫名其妙的低情绪?
- The enthusiasm of the masses ran high. 群众热情高涨。
- Indignation ran high among the demonstrators. 示威群众都义愤填膺。
- Take these tablets if you feel run down; I swear by them. 如果你感觉不适,就服用这些药片,我相信它们的效用。
- National feelings on the subject have tended to run high and some have even voiced their opinions in the newspapers. 在这个问题上,国民的情绪已有日益激昂之趋势,有些人甚至在报纸上发表了自己的看法。