- Popular criticisms are boiling 物议沸腾
- The criticisms are founded on facts as well as convictions. 这些批评既是基於坚定的信念,又是有一定事实根据的。
- The kettle was boiling away merrily on the fire. 壶水烧开了咕嘟咕嘟地滚泡。
- Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。
- Her criticisms were bang on every time. 她的批评每次都非常中肯。
- The solution of sugar was boiling down. 糖水煎浓成为糖浆。
- His criticisms are clearly colored by animus. 批判明显带有敌意。
- Your comments and criticisms are always welcome. 欢迎评论和批评。
- Herbal medicines are boiling in the medicine pot. 药吊子里正熬着中药。
- These criticisms are based on misunderstanding. 这些评论完全是出于误解。
- You must be boiling in that sweater! 你穿着那件毛衣一定很热!
- Lobsters turn scarlet when they are boiled. 龙虾在被煮熟的时候会变红。
- I\'m sure the buyer must be boiling right now. 我确定买主现在肯定要维护自己的权利。
- You must be boiling in that thick sweater. 你穿着那件厚毛衣一定很热吧.
- The criticisms are found on facts as well as conviction. 这些批评既是基于坚定的信念,又是有一定事实根据的。
- He was boiling over with rage at his humiliation. 他发现自己蒙受耻辱,不禁勃然大怒。
- Some criticisms are off the mark, but some are well deserved. 很多批评这个分数;但是很多当之无愧.
- All the goodness has been boiled out of the vegetables. 这些蔬菜的营养成分全部都给煮掉了。
- The kettle was boiling away on the fire. 水壶里的水在火上开个不停。
- His mind was boiling with mirth and fear and pride. 快意、恐惧、自豪一齐在心头翻腾。