- His Holiness Pope John Paul II was welcomed by the crowd. 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人群的欢迎。
- Pope John Paul II, Man of the Year Dec. 梵蒂冈教皇约翰保罗二世。
- Pope John Paul II makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he's visiting. He has the gift of tongues. 罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才能。
- Pope John Paul II and the Protestant bishops of the U.S. 罗马教皇与美国的新教徒。
- As a result, Pope John Paul II excommunicated the four in 1988. 教皇约翰保罗二世在1988年将其4人驱逐出教会。
- Pope John Paul II was given the 400th Enzo model by the factory. 教宗若望保禄二世是由于第四百恩佐模型的工厂。
- At that time, the pontiff, Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting. 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。
- Pope John Paul II pauses as he leads a special audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican. 教皇保罗二世在梵蒂冈保罗四世大厅主持布道时休息.
- "Pastor of the world's largest religious body, Pope John Paul II incenses an altar at Mass. 作为世界上最大宗教团体的祭司,教皇约翰保罗二世在弥撒时对祭坛薰香。
- Then we flew on to Denver, where we welcomed Pope John Paul II to the United States. 接着我们又飞往丹佛,在那里迎接访问美国的教皇约翰.;保罗二世。
- Pope John Paul II in 1992 expressed regret over what he called a ‘tragic mutual incomprehension. 1992年,教皇约翰保罗二世(PopeJohnPaulII)对他所说的“互不理解的悲剧”表示了遗憾。
- In that spirit, one December day in 1983, Pope John Paul II walked into a cell of Rebibbia prison outside Rome to meet Mehmet Ali Agca. 正因为有此精神,1983年12月某一天,教皇约翰·保罗二世走进了罗马城外的雷比比亚监狱的一间监舍,会见了麦赫麦特·阿里·阿格卡。
- Pope John Paul II said Sunday that Christmas'true meaning risked being lost by a'consumerist mentality'that is fueled by publicity. 约翰保罗教皇二世22日指出,圣诞节真正的意义正逐渐丧失,有可能被公众中的一种日益膨胀的“消费主义心态”所取代。
- Peter's Square at the Vatican displayed during an exhibition of papal portraits from the Renaissance to Pope John Paul II in Rome. 作品描写法国士兵在梵蒂冈圣伯多禄广场上巡游的情况。
- Pope John Paul II prays on the altar as he presides over the midnight mass as part of Christmas celebrations in St. Peter's Basilica, December 24, 2001. 老态龙钟的教皇依旧在平安夜主持午夜弥撒。
- "Shepherd of the world's largest communion, Pope John Paul II delivers Easter greetings in 56 languages from the central loggia of St.Peter's Basilica. 世界上最大教会的领导者约翰保罗教皇二世在圣彼得教堂的中心走廊用56种语言发表复活节祝贺词。
- Pope John Paul II said Sunday that Christmas' true meaning risked being lost by a "consumerist mentality" that is fueled by publicity. 约翰保罗教皇二世22日指出,圣诞节真正的意义正逐渐丧失,有可能被公众中的一种日益膨胀的"消费主义心态"所取代。
- The secret of Jesus' power of attraction became clearer to me through Padre Pio, whom Pope John Paul II canonized on June 16, 2002, in Rome. 对我来说,耶稣吸引力的秘密,藉著毕奥神父彰显出来。
- The classical look of the Cathedral was rather deceptive, since the Cathedral was only completed and consecrated by Pope John Paul II in 1993! 圣母大教堂看来很古典,其实是1993年才落成并由当时的教宗主持新教堂的奉献礼。
- More than five thousand people attended a memorial mass for the Pope John Paul II at the Catholic Cathedral in Caine Road . 超过五千人出席,在坚道天主教座堂举行的追思弥撒,悼念教宗若望保禄二世。