- Pontiac Sunbird 庞蒂克太阳鸟;简称太阳鸟
- GuangZhou Sunbird Culture Spreading Co., Ltd. 广州火之鸟文化传播有限公司。
- The conspiracy of Pontiac /$cFrancis Parkman. 题名项 24514%24aThe Oregon Trail ;
- China HuNan Sunbird Yacht Manufacture Co., Ltd. 湖南太阳鸟游艇制造有限公司。
- GM to announce Pontiac demise Monday? 通用汽车公司宣布庞蒂克星期一消亡?
- Sunbird Taxi Service here. Can I help you? 我是太阳鸟出租车公司。能为你帮忙吗?
- Henderson did not comment on Pontiac's future. 亨德森没有发表评论庞蒂克未来.
- Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable. 一个世代相传的美丽传说。
- It ignited the muscle car craze and cemented Pontiac's identity. 它点燃了肌肉车的热潮和巩固庞蒂克的身份。
- Nine first three foot sunbird Wuhan web cams are anticipating you! 九个头三只脚的太阳鸟武汉网民期待着您!
- Make you enjoy a long-lost “kingdom of Sunbird deity”. 让您走进一个失落已久的“太阳神鸟王国”。
- Black Jim politely eased him out of the taxi and into the old Pontiac. 黑眉毛吉姆有礼貌地把他拉出出租车,然后塞进了庞蒂亚克。
- If GM doesn't take Waldron up on the offer, Pontiac will be shut down by 2010. 通用汽车没有考虑沃尔德伦提供上,庞蒂亚克将被关闭,到2010年。
- "The decision we make for Pontiac is not going to be the savior for GM. “我们作出这个决定的庞蒂克不会成为救世主的通用汽车.
- Review: the sunbird is represents the Chinese civilization the typical mark. 点评:“太阳鸟”是代表中华文明的典型符号。
- Pontiac chose to differentiate the G8 GXP slightly from its siblings. 庞蒂克选择区分八国集团GXP略高于其兄弟姐妹。
- It's getting rid of brands such as Pontiac, Saturn, Hummer, and SAAB. 倒闭的品牌分别有,庞蒂亚克,土星,悍马以及萨博。
- Jane : That's amazing. No wonder Pontiac would want to use her show. 珍:真是令人讶异。难怪庞帝克愿意利用她的节目。
- This community group may wish to do formal releases of Seamonkey, much as the Sunbird and Minimo developers do. 这个社群群组也许会想要做一个正式的 Seamonkey 版本,就像 Sunbird 与 Minimo 开发者一样。
- AC Chaleur, Atlantic, Chieftain, Kennebeck, Norchip, Red Pontiac and Snowden are recommended to develop in West Hunan. 建议推广种植 AC Chaleur,Atlantic,Chieftain,Kennebeck,Norchip,Red Pontiac,Snowden等品种