- Earthquake monitoring and forecasting system. 地震监测预报体系。
- The New Port of New York and New Jersey Operational Forecast System. 纽约和新泽西业务预报的新端口。
- Medium term and long term forecast system based on GIS has been established. 通过对其动因、特点、发展趋势和存在问题的分析,建立了基于GIS的中长期假日旅游预测系统。
- An automatic measurement and forecasting system for pollen will provide the latest information to the public. 一种对花粉的自动测量预测系统将为公众提供最近的相关信息。
- Chien , F.-C., B.J.-D.Jou, P.-L.Lin, and J.-S.Hong, 2004: A real-time MM5/WRF forecasting system in Taiwan . 陈正达、简芳菁、黄国展,2001:个人电脑丛集平行运算系统在大气科学数值计算应用的潜力初探。
- Results of testing show that the forecasting system can get evaluating scores accurately for scientific projects. 测试数据表明该系统能较准确地对科研项目作出评估得分。
- Used large sample datum to train the BP network, formed an identifiable and rememberable non-linear forecasting system. 利用大样本数据对网络进行了训练,形成了有识别和记忆功能的非线性预测系统。
- This forecast system is science, nicety and straight, is a relatively promising appraise way. 该预测系统科学、准确、直观,是一种比较有前途的评价方法。
- Title: The Sector Guidance Forecast System of Severe Convection Weather in Zibo City from May to Aug. 关键词:强对流;预报产品;分片指导;预报系统
- Secondly, it construes the current application status of the forecasting system and point out the shortage of its application. 在对预测应用现状分析的基础上,本文提出了集成预测体系。
- In order to observe the validity of method that the paper puts forward,the logistics forecasting system (LFS) is developed with the visualtechnology. 为了考察本文提出的方法的有效性,研制了可视化的物流预测系统。
- The normal operation rate of an automatic hydrological forecast system is a combination of BLER of transmission channels and system reliability. 水情自动测报系统的畅通率是遥测通信网误码率和系统可靠性指标的混合体。
- It can improve the accuracy of measurement and decisionmaking level.we use the method in the Power cable overheat forecast system. 将该技术应用于电厂电缆过热监控系统,在实际运行中取得了良好的效果,保障了电力设备的安全。
- Combining the real example, the paper studies the sale system and sale forecasting method of an air-conditioner manufacturer and gives out how to establish sale forecast system. 结合实证分析,就空调生产企业的销售体系,销售预测方法进行了研究,并提出了建立销售预测体系的要求。
- In this paper we present the NOPP(National Oceanographic Partnership Program) real time forecasting system for winds,waves and storm tides due to tropical cyclones. 介绍针对热带气旋的风场、波浪、风暴潮的NOPP(国家海洋合作项目)实时预报系统。
- A flood early warning and forecasting system, ground water monitoring system, water resources management system and hydrological data system have been established. 构建洪水预警预报系统、地下水监测系统、水资源管理系统和水文水资源数据系统。
- She spends her spare time nursing her old mother. 她的业余时间都花在照顾她年老的母亲上。
- What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
- A method of information fusion in embedded acci dent forecast system of hydropower station was proposedneural network whi ch learns through fuzzy IF/THEN rules. 提出了一种嵌入式水电系统事故预测中信息融合的方法利用模糊IF/THEN规则表达专家知识的神经网络学习方法。
- I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。