- Governor Tom Vilsack, State of Iowa(L), called on Dr. Kuo-Shih Yang, Political Vice Minister, on September 20, 1999 . 美国爱荷华州威尔萨克州长(左),于88年9月20日前来拜会杨政务次长国赐。
- Political Vice Minister 政务次长
- Thank you Vice Minister Jin Liqun for that warm introduction. 首先我要感谢金立群副部长刚才热情洋溢的介绍。
- Vice Minister of the Agriculture Ministry Yaubang Chen spoke at the meeting. 农业部副部长陈耀邦在会上讲了话。
- Hu Qiheng , vice minister of agicuttunal ministry warmly meet with Lou Dong . 国家科协副主席胡启恒亲切接见罗东。
- Vice Minister of the State of Central Propaganda Ministry Weicheng Xu chaired today's meeting. 中宣部常务副部长徐惟诚主持了今天的会议。
- Vice Minister Wang visited the NGO exhibition and interviewed by journalists from Phoenix TV and others. 王陇德副部长参观NGO展台并接受凤凰卫视等记者采访。
- Li Xueyong, the vice minister of State Science and Technology Dept. Was inspecting the project. 国家科技部副部长李学勇视察项目。
- The Minister is ill, so the Vice Minister will act for him at this important Press Conference. 部长生病了,副部长将代表他出席这次重要的记者招待会。
- Vice minister of foreign affairs Alexeiyev as well as the other officials entertained them at the airport. 胡主席夫人刘永清以及国务委员唐家璇等陪同人员同机抵达。
- Visit to Ministry of Construction. The delegation was received by Mr. Liu Zhi-feng, Vice Minister of MOC. 拜访国家建设部。代表团获刘志峰副部长接见。
- Fan Xiaojian,vice minister of agricultural ministry,accompanied by leader at different levels,visit the company. 国家农业部副部长范小建在各级领导陪同下到公司视察。
- May 1994, when he was vice minister of construction visit CMHC, the Canadian mortgage attention began guarantee system. 1994年5月,时任建设部部长侯捷访问CMHC,开始注意加拿大的抵押贷款担保制度。
- MOC is also very concerned about and support, Liu Zhifeng, vice minister made a special trip to be published guidance. 国家建设部也十分关心和支持,刘志峰副部长专程到会发表指导性意见。
- Zheng Xinmiao, President of the Palace Museum and vice minister of culture is one of its top advisors. 文化部副部长、故宫博物院院长郑欣淼是它的高层顾问之一。
- The reason: its A-list clientele of government officials and retirees of vice minister rank or higher. 原因就是:他们供应名单上的顶级顾客,都是政府官员和副部级以上的退休官员。
- Vice Ministers Deng Nan (left) and Li Xueyong at the meeting. 邓楠(左)、李学勇副部长听取汇报。
- I recently had the pleasure of meeting Vice Minister Jin Liqun in London where we discussed briefly the economic reforms in China and in the UK. 最近我很荣幸和金立群部长会面,就中国和英国的经济体制改革进行了简短的讨论。
- I am very much looking forward to further discussions on these and many other current issues with Vice Minister Jin and other officials over the next two days. 我期望着在接下来的两天内和金副部长和其他官员就这些和其他的时事进一步展开讨论。
- Yin Dakui, Chairman of China Physicians Association, and the former Vice Minister of Ministry of Health, inspected Beijing Health Essence. 国家卫生部原副部长,中国医师协会会长殷大奎同志视察健之素。