- Point defect structure 点缺陷结构
- Vacancy defect structure and dielectric properties of trivalent basic ion in (Sr,Ca)TiO_3. 三价阳离子固溶的(Sr,Ca)TiO_3基瓷的缺位结构与介电性能
- Point Defect - A crystal defect that is an impurity, such as a lattice vacancy or an interstitial atom. 点缺陷-不纯净的晶缺陷,例如格子空缺或原子空隙。
- The defect structure models of LiNbO_3 crystals proposedrespectively by Fay, Lerner and Nassau have been summed up systemati-cally in this paper. 本文系统归纳了由Fay,Lerner和Nassau提出的LiNb_s缺陷结构模型。
- U. Gesenhues and T. Rentschler, “Crystal growth and defect structure of Al3+-doped rutile”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 143 (1999) 210-218. 余树桢“晶体之结构与性质”渤海唐文化事业有限公司2003年再版。
- It then discussed phase transitions, elasticity hydro-dynamics and topological defect structure in terms of these order parameters. 接着根据这些序参数讨论了相变,弹性流体动力学和结构的拓扑缺陷。
- Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect. 局部光散射-晶圆片表面特征,例如小坑或擦伤导致光线散射,也称为光点缺陷。
- The crystal imperfections we consider here are called point defects. 我们认为这里的晶体缺陷是致命缺陷。
- The SAED pattern shows a pattern from a large grain with defect structures,since the feature of a spot pattern is just like that. 不太懂你做的材料,你可以试图标定一下,点拉长说明里面有大量纳米晶存在。
- Control and Utilization of Point Defect in Silicon 硅中的点缺陷的控制和利用
- Polarons, Excitons, Superconductivity, Dielectric, Magnetic Materials, Point Defects, Alloys. 偏振子、激子、超导、介电子、磁性材料、点缺陷、合金。
- The nature of point defects and their concentration in any solid are determined by the consideration of chemical equilibrium between the various species. 在任何固体中,点缺陷的种类和他们的浓度可以通过考虑不同物种之间的化学平衡来得到。
- The effect of dielectric constant contrast and filling factor on photonic bandgap (PBG) for perfect PCs and localized states in PCs with point defects are investigated. 针对介电常数对比和填充率对完整光子晶体中光子禁带以及缺陷态的影响作了研究。
- The structural and electronic properties of single vacancies and related point defects in achiral carbon nanotubes are studied based on a tight-binding model. 文章在紧束缚势模型基础上系统地研究了非手性单壁碳纳米管上单原子空位缺陷结构和电子结构性质。
- The formation of protonic point defects need hydrogen (protons) jumping and its activation energy is higher than that for the self-diffusion of water molecules. 质子点缺陷的形成需要氢原子(质子)跃迁,其激活能大于水分子自扩散所需的激活能。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- A Study on Defect Structure of SrTiO_3 Capacitor-Varistor Ceramics by PAT 用PAT研究SrTiO_3双功能陶瓷的缺陷结构
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。