- There are 23 guests coming, all told. 总共来了23位客人。
- The longest valley glacier extends 23 km. 最长的河谷冰川有23公里长。
- Many offices have been opened in 23 cities. 我们已在23个城市中开设了办事处。
- She lapped the course in 5 minutes 23 seconds. 她以5分23秒跑完全程。
- This shop at present is doing business at June 23. 这家商店现定于6月23日开始营业。
- The average age of the boys in this class is 23. 这个班级中男生的平均年龄为23岁。
- This is our new products named air jordan 23. 这是我们的新产品命名为空气约旦23。
- If expired on Jan 23, will be paid by Feb 6, etc. 如果在1月23日到期的,将在二月6日前支付,等等。
- There were perfectly good costs going at $23! 有挺好的外衣,售价仅为23美元!
- My seat is Row 23 A,so I must be next to a window. 我的座位号是第23排A号,这样我一定是靠窗坐。
- This one is the 23: 59 through express for kunming. 这一列是23点59分去昆明的直快。
- Please renew offer until March 23, 4 p.m. 请在3月23号下午四点前重新报价。
- Allen Iverson was held to only 23 points. 艾佛森受限只得到23分。
- I am at the Hilton hotel - room 23 . 我在希尔顿饭店23室。
- Install center console, refer to Group 23 Body. 安装中心支柱,请参阅单元23车体。
- The band is re-forming after 23 years. 23 年后,这个乐队又在重新组建。
- In line 23 you do a JNDI lookup of the topic name. 在第23行,用JNDI方式查找主题名称。
- There are 23 active tasks in the output. 输出中有23个当前任务。
- Located on the Departure Level near Gate 23. 位于登机闸口23号附近。
- May 22 and 23 were costly days for the Navy. 5月22日和23日,是我海军损失惨重的日子。