- Pleurotaenium truncatumn. 平顶宽带鼓藻
- Study on the VA Mycorrhizae of Acer truncatum Bunge. 元宝槭VA菌根的研究
- The dynamic variation of the contents of flavonoid and cholorogenic acid in the leaf of Acer truncatum were studied. 通过对不同月份元宝枫叶产量和叶内黄酮、绿原酸含量的动态研究表明:元宝枫叶内黄酮的含量以8月份最高,含量达5 73%25;
- Acer truncatum Bunge is a kind of particular species in China,which belongs to Acer of Aceraceae. 元宝枫为中国特有的槭树科槭树属植物。
- A protease purified from the fresh leaves of Acer truncatum Bunge by means of Sephadex A-50, Sephadex G-200 column chromatography. 采用Sephadex A-50;Sephadex G-200柱层析的方法;从槭树科槭树属元宝枫(AcertruncatumBunge)的叶片中提取并纯化了叶蛋白酶.
- There are quercetin,kaempferol and isorhamnetin in the wing of key fruit of Acer Truncatum Bunge, and their contents change with season. 元宝枫果翅中含有中槲皮素、山柰酚和异鼠李素,其含量随季节变化。
- The essay mainly explains the resources and internal distributions of the Acer Truncatum Bge and discuses the processing technology of the plants. 本文论述了元宝枫鞣科植物的资源状况及鞣质在各部位的分布组成;
- Based on the investigation of 164 trees of Acer truncatum, the relativities among characters were analyzed and the variable types were compartmentalized. 摘要以164株大树的调查数据为基础,对元宝枫各性状进行相关性分析,再进行变异类型划分。
- Acer truncatum Bunge. 五角枫
- The fatty acid methyl esters was prepared from Acer Truncatum buge oil,and the main influence factors of separating nervonic acid methyl ester by urea-inclusion method were analysed. 将元宝枫油制成混合脂肪酸甲酯,再应用尿素包合法对其中的神经酸甲酯分离的主要影响因素进行了正交试验研究。
- The non-wood usage tree species are Castanea mollissima, Amygdalus davidiana, Armeniaca sibirica, Zanthoxylum bungeanum. The landscape tree species are Acer truncatum, Gingo biloba, Sophora saponia, Platanus hispanica, Rhus typhina. 经济林树种:板栗(Castanea mollissima)、山桃 (Amygdalus davidiana)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)、花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum);
- LPA of Aceraceae and Fagaceae were higher than other families' ,and the LPA of Acer truncatum and Acer fabri var.rubrocarpum were the highest,being respectively(5 228) U/g and 5 092 U/g,approximate to that of bromelain(6 184 U/g). 在61科植物中,以槭树科和壳斗科植物叶中的蛋白酶活性较高; 叶中蛋白酶活性最高的植物是元宝槭和红果罗浮槭,叶中蛋白酶活性分别为5 228 U/g和5 092 U/g,与菠萝果的蛋白酶活性(6 184 U/g)较为接近,具有很高的研究和开发价值。
- The ratio of weight losses of the litter of Robinia pseudoacacia, Armeniaca vulgaris var.ansu, Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Cotinus coggygria var.cinenea for one year were 54%, 64%, 78%, 73% and 65%,respectively. 一年的失重率刺槐、山杏、侧柏、元宝械、黄栌分别为54%25、64%25、78%25、73%25、65%25。
- Current status of research on nervonic acid was reviewed.The physico-chemical properties,fatty acid composition and vitamine E in purpleblow maple(Acer truncatum)oil were determined. 概述了神经酸研究现状,对元宝枫油的理化特性、脂肪酸组成和维生素E进行了分析。
- This article based on the analysis on the effect, market orientation, and marketing strategies of the Acer Truncatum Buge oil to stabilize it, provides the market guide for marketing new products. 本文通过对元宝枫油的产品功效、产品的市场定位、市场开发战略等方面进行研究,为新产品的市场开发提供指导。
- The apportionment of water supply among growth stages had a big impact on the SOD activity, showing the highest sensitivity of A. truncatum to soil water stress at the early growth stage. 在土壤供水能力基本相同时,不同生长阶段供水量的分配汁元宝枫幼树SOD活性有较大影响。综合分析表明,生长前期供水与SOD活性呈正相关,生长后期和生长中期供水量与SOD活性呈负相关。
- purpleblow maple( Acer truncatum ) oil 元宝枫油
- the leaves of Acer truncatum Bunge 元宝枫叶
- Keywords Acer truncatum Buge;pure oil;GS/MS; 元宝枫油;脂肪酸;成分分析;
- A Study on Growth Trait Variation of Acer truncatum Seedling 元宝枫苗木生长性状变异的研究