- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propogation of Pleione albiflora 白花独蒜兰的组织培养和快速繁殖
- Pleione albifloran. 白花独蒜兰
- T his video presents the history and environment of Pleione formosana and how the name was coined. 缤纷台湾再发现第五集阿里山台湾一叶兰自然保留区介绍台湾一叶兰发现历史、命名由来、生长环境及周遭生态;
- The famous Pleione Formosana takes center stage as the cherry blossoms bow out of the scene. 当樱花谢幕、花季进入尾声,却正是一叶兰苏醒的时节!
- The symbiotic seed germination of Pleione bulbocodioides(Franch.) Rolfe,a traditional Chinese medicine,was investigated. 采用从独蒜兰分离的菌根真菌与其种子在燕麦培养基上共生萌发。
- Paeonia albiflora Pall. [医] 芍药
- Buddleja albiflora Hemsl. 巴东醉鱼草
- Any of three trailing plants, Tradescantia albiflora, T. fluminensis, or Zebrina pendula, native to tropical America, having usually variegated foliage and widely grown as houseplants. 水竹草:三种蔓生植物白花水竹草,紫花水竹草或吊竹梅之任一种,原产于美洲热带地区,通常具有多种颜色的叶子,如同室内植物一般蔓延很大空间
- Geranium pratense L. f. albiflora Q.Zhu et J.Wang, a new form of Geraniaceae from Ningxia of China is described.It differs from the typical form Geranium pratense f. pratense by having white flowers. 摘要描述了老鹳草属草地老鹳草的一个新变型即白花草地老鹳草,该变型与原变型的区别在于变型的花冠为白色。
- Pleione yunnanensis Rolfe. 云南独蒜兰
- O. falcata Bunge f. albiflora Y. H. Wu 白花镰形棘豆
- Studies on Tissue Culture of Pleione bulbolodioides 独蒜兰快繁技术的研究
- Pleione bulbocodioides(Franch.) Rolfe 独蒜兰
- Briefing on Promoting Cultivation of Pleione yunnanensisin Winter Time 野生云南独蒜兰的冬季促成开花研究简报
- Buddleja albifloran. 巴东醉鱼草
- Chelonopsis albifloran. 白花铃子香
- Schultzia albifloran. 白花苞裂芹
- Yinshania albifloran. 阴山荠
- Paeonia Albiflora Pall 白芍
- Lycoris albifloran. 乳白石蒜