- Here's your receipt. Now, please have it well wrapped and sealed. 这是您的收据,现在,请您把它包起来,捆好。
- Please have it well wrapped. 请您把它包起来。
- Here's your receipt. Now, please have it well wra ed and sealed. 这是您的收据,现在,请您把它包起来,捆好。
- The crane at hatch No.1 Is out of order. Please have it repaired. 1号舱的起重机坏了,请给予修理。
- The dehumidifier is broken, please have it fixed quickly. 这台除湿机出故障了,赶快修理一下。
- Your luggage is overlength (overweight). Please have it registered. 您的行李超长(超重)了,请办理行李拖运。
- Symmetrical women have it better, too. 身材匀称的女人也比较有利。
- There is no water in the water closet.Would you please have it repaired? 马桶无水,请修理一下。
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你没把面包包好,它变干了。
- Tidy up the connected and well wrapped wires, try to restitute it and make it well viewed. 将连接并包扎好的线路进行整理,尽量使其恢复原状,作到美观。
- Could you please wrap it well for me? 你能帮我包好吗?
- In Hatch No.1, there is lots of rust. Please have it chipped and scraped, then give and new paint. 在1号舱里有许多铁锈,请把铁锈刮干净后重新油漆。
- How pleasing has it been to see Jamie Carragher back in action? 记:卡拉格重返赛场你有多高兴?
- Remember to have it well done this time. I don't have extra time to change this and that. 记住这次做得好一些,我可没有时间换来换去。
- Be sure the children are well wrapped up in this cold weather. 在这种寒冷的天气,一定给孩子穿暖和。
- If there is bait in the ring, please have it cleaned up prior to the Malamute judging. 如果赛场中出现了诱饵,请在审查开始前清理干净。
- This spindle is broken. The thread always tangles there. Please have it repaired. 这个络子坏了,线总缠死到里面,你拿去修修吧。
- Be sure the children are well wrapped up in this sudden cold weather. 在这突然变冷的天气里,要保证让孩子们穿得暖和一些。
- He decided that he might as well have it out with them. 他决定还是和他们把问题谈清楚的好。
- Would you like to have it gift wrapped? 您想把它包装起来吗?