- Platycladus orientalis Franco. 侧柏
- Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco. 侧柏
- Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Platycladus orientalis (Linn) Franco. GB/T8822.;11-1988中国林木种子区侧柏种子区
- Definition: Chinese Arborvitae Kernel is the dried ripe kerne of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco (Fam.Cupressaceae). 本品为柏科植物侧柏 Platycladus orientalis (L.;) Franco 的干燥成熟种仁。
- A provenance test seedlings from 31 seed sources of Oriental Arbor-vitae (Platycladus orientalis (L. ) Franco) was made at three heights in dills in Beijing. 在北京的3个不同海拔高度,对来自31个地区的侧柏种子进行了种源试验。
- Objective:To determine isopimaric ac id in leaves of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco by TLC-Scanning and study t he methodology of the determination. 目的 :采用薄层扫描法测定侧柏叶中异海松酸的含量 ,并进行方法学研究。
- Platycladus orientalis (L) Franco 侧柏
- Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco 侧柏
- Platycladus orientalis (Linn.) Franco 侧柏
- cacumen of Platycladus orientalis ( L. ) Franco 侧柏叶
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb., Platycladus orientalis and Sympegma regelii. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The roots of Finns tabulaeformis, Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia were wrapped by plastic film, then the dry environment was made. 摘要对黄土高原主要造林树种油松、侧柏、刺槐根际进行包埋处理,形成持续干旱环境,测定干旱胁迫条件下树木生理特性的变化和对树木生长的影响。
- Objective:To isolate, identify and q ua ntitatively analysis active component isopimaric acid in leaves of Platycladus orientalis. 目的:分离、鉴定及定量分析侧柏中活性成分异海松酸。
- Among trees, the dust-retention abilities of Ligustrum lucidum, Platycladus orientalis, Cedrus deodare, Platanus hispauiea anti Spohora japonica were stronger. [结果]不同树种的单位面积滞尘量、单株树木滞尘量均存在较大差异,乔木中,以女贞、侧柏、雪松、悬铃木和国槐的滞尘能力较强;
- Relationships between meteorological factors and leaf water potential of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia under different water regimes were studied. 摘要探讨了不同供水条件下气象因素对侧柏和刺槐叶水势的影响以及它们的定量关系。
- Platycladus orientalis L. 侧柏
- A Study of Geographic Variation of Platycladus orientalis (L.)Franco 侧柏地理变异的研究
- The ratio of weight losses of the litter of Robinia pseudoacacia, Armeniaca vulgaris var.ansu, Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Cotinus coggygria var.cinenea for one year were 54%, 64%, 78%, 73% and 65%,respectively. 一年的失重率刺槐、山杏、侧柏、元宝械、黄栌分别为54%25、64%25、78%25、73%25、65%25。
- Besidea, the soil under the Platycladus orientalis Plantation Forests partial to acidity while the soil under the Secondary Forest and Robinia pseudoacacia partial to alkalescence. 另外,侧柏林下土壤呈酸性,而杂木林和刺槐林下土坡呈碱性。
- To Platycladus orientalis seedlings, it is 0.1mg/L> 0.2mg/L>0mg/L>0.3mg/L>0.4mg/L, suggesting that the drought resistance of three arbor seedlings were more raised by lower concentration NBR treatment than higher concentration NBR treatment. 得出不同浓度NBR 处理提高刺槐苗木抗旱性;其顺序为0.;2mg/L>0