- The platoon leader faced his men about. 排长叫他的士兵向后转。
- The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon. 士官向全排士兵大声地发出命令。
- It happened prior to my arrival. 这发生在我到达之前。
- The platoon is sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack. 在发动进攻前,这个排奉命侦察该村。
- Her arrival coincided with our departure. 她来到时我们正好离开。
- Anxiously await your safe arrival. 急切地等待您安然到达。
- The platoon sergeant numbered his men off from the right. 副排长叫士兵们从右首开始报数。
- The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
- The platoon mustered for roll call. 全排集合点名。
- He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience. 他激动不安地等待她到来。
- A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival. 小号奏出嘹亮的乐曲欢迎女王驾到。
- They gave us a hospitable reception on our arrival. 我们到达后他们热情地款待我们。
- My old friends' arrival got me off balance. 对老朋友们的到来,我一点准备都没有。
- Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我们的抵达时间取决于天气情况。
- The secretary informed me of his arrival. 秘书通知我他来了。
- Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen. 一片欢呼声欢迎女王莅临。
- His arrival that night played havoc with my plans. 他那天晚上到来大大打乱了我的计划。
- The new arrival is none other than the President. 刚来的不是别人正是总统。
- Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square. 副排长命令部下在营房广场集合。
- I was surprised by the speediness of their arrival. 他们的迅速到来出乎我的意料之外。