- Clinical study of platelet activation in patients with chronic heart failure. 心力衰竭患者血小板功能状态研究。
- Platelet activation is thought to be an important risk factor in blood clotting. 而科学界一直有人认为,血小板的活动程度对血凝程度起着至关重要的作用。
- ADP-P2Y12 receptor pathway plays a crucial role in platelet activation and thrombogenesis. P2Y12受体途径在血小板激活、血栓形成中发挥重要作用。
- The changes of platelet activation and fibrinolysis before and after interventional treatment in the patients with myocardial infarction. 心肌梗死患者介入术前后血小板活化及纤溶功能的变化。
- Human platelet activating factor,PAF Elisa Kit;... 人血小板活化因子(PAF)试剂盒;
- Conclusion: Detection of MPV and PDW may be useful as a marker for platelet activation in gestational diabetes with or without pre-eclampsia. 结论:检测血小板平均体积、血小板压积可以作为了解单纯妊娠期糖尿病患者及妊娠期糖尿病合并子痫前期的患者血小板活化状态的参考指标。
- Activation of blood coagulation is the critical mechanism in pathogenesis of venous thromboembolism, whereas platelet activation is less important. 凝血系统激活是静脉血栓栓塞发病的重要机制,血小板活化的作用较小。
- Objective To study platelet activation by heparin and protamine and its inhibition by aprotinin during cardiopulmonary bypass. 目的研究在体外循环中肝素化及鱼精蛋白中和时血小板的激活以及应用抑肽酶对这种激活的抑制作用。
- Conclusion: The platelet activation relates to pathophysiological process of UAP and the severity of ocronary artery stenosis. 结论:不稳定型心绞痛体内血小板活化程度明显增高,血小板活化状态与冠脉病变的严重程度相关。
- Conclusion Expression of platelet activation in MHD patients are abnormal,especially in hypertensive MHD patients with maintenance hemodialysis. 结论 血液透析患者中存在明显的血小板活化,尤其是合并高血压者。
- Hemodialysis can rectify uraemia patients bleeding tendency through improving the platelet activation function,hemodialysis can help to resume the immunity in uraemia patients. :血液透析通过改善血小板活化功能来纠正尿毒症性出血倾向 ,血透有助于机体的免疫力的恢复。
- No correlation between the platelet cytoplasmic calcium and the clinical scores shows that indicator of platelet activation does not presage the severity of stroke patient. 血小板胞浆钙离子与3种临床计分无明显相关,表明血小板活化指标不能预示临床严重程度。
- ASP 150 mg/d can significantly reduce CRP and GMP-140 levels,inhibit platelet activation and aggregation,effectively prevent further damage to the coronary arteries. 使用ASP 150 mg/d能直接降低血浆CRP浓度、GMP-140水平和抑制血小板活化和聚集,能有效地防止冠状血管的进一步损害。
- Hagberg I A, Roald H E, Lyberg. Platelet activation in flowing blood passing growing arterial thrombi[ J ]. J Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,1997, 17: 1331. 刘志鸣;韩丹春;麻琳;等急性脑梗死病人血小板活化蛋白的测定及阿司匹林的影响[J].;中风与神经疾病杂志;2000;17(6):167
- Activation of blood coagulation is more important in the pathogenesis of intracardiac thrombi than platelet activation, although the latter plays a contributory role. 凝血系统激活在心腔内血栓形成中的重要性甚于血小板活化,虽然后者也起一定作用。
- This FVIII is both protected from plasma antibodies and released upon platelet activation at sites of vascular injury where haemostatic plugs are forming. 这种凝血因子VIII是受血浆保护抗体保护,并且只在血管损伤部位的止血血栓形成、血小板活化时释放。
- Postoperative pain stress can promote platelet activation and platelet aggregation, shorten coagulation time, and put the patient in a relative hypercoagulable status. 术后疼痛应激可促进血小板活化及血小板聚集,缩短凝血时间,使机体处于相对高血凝状态;
- De comdia E,De Cristofaro K,Landolfi R.Thrombin-induced platelet activation is inhibited by high-and low-molecular-weight heparin.Circulation,1999,99:3308. 李凌;董建增;李莉;等.;阿司匹林单用与联用低分子肝素对不稳定心绞痛治疗作用比较
- The effect of platelet activating factor on platelet function in elderly patients with chronic respiratory failure. 老年慢性呼吸衰竭患者血小板活化因子及血小板功能改变。
- Platelet Activating Factor in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrahge. 蛛网膜下腔出血患者脑脊液血小板活化因子的变化