- Platanus aceriflia 二球悬铃木
- Determination of the Selecting Pressure for Genetic Transformation of Platanus acerifolia Willd. 悬铃木遗传转化过程中选择压力的确定。
- Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from in vitro Cultured Leaves of Platanus orientalis Willd. 悬铃木叶片不定芽再生。
- Effcets of different antibiotics on in vitro plant regeneration of Platanus orientalis L. 抗生素对悬铃木体外植株再生影响的研究。
- Preliminary Selection of Superior Families and Plus Tree on Platanus occidentalis L. 一球悬铃木优良家系及优良单株的选择。
- The peak of pollen occurred in March or September, and Platanus had the largest amount. 结果全年搜集花粉共21610粒,3月及9月为花粉飘散高峰期,以梧桐(悬铃木属)花粉为最多。
- Study on the EtOAc participated fraction from the barks of Platanus orientalis Linn. 研究了三球悬铃木树皮的酚类化学成分。
- The planting of same tree species (Platanus acerifolia) is a major visual link between the existing and proposed streets. 因此街边绿化采用了同样的树种(梧桐树),这样在视觉上可以将现有街道与小区商业街道有机地连接起来。
- The order of the BCR values of these four species in 2004 was Platanus spp. (8.107) > Ficus concinna (2.579) > Ginkgo biloba (1.543) > Grevillea robusta (1.055). 其效益成本比的大小排序为:悬铃木(8.;107)>小叶榕(2
- The contents of soluble protein, phenol and POD increased gradually from October to January next year in Platanus acerifolia Willd's winter bud, but decreased after January. 摘要悬铃木越冬芽内可溶性蛋白、酚类含量、POD活性在10月后逐渐升高,至翌年1月达最高值,此后下降趋势;
- But the seed germination and seedling growth of wheat, maize and soybean were inhibited when the suitable concentration extract of Platanus orientalis leaf reached 4%. 当处理液质量浓度达到4%25时,不利于小麦、玉米和大豆种子的萌发和幼苗的生长。
- Summarize the research progress on the chemical constituents and biological activities of Platanus spp.Put forward the prospects of the R &D on the title plants. 根据国内外有关文献,对悬铃木属植物的化学成分及其生物活性研究概况进行较深入的综述,并对其药用研究和开发前景作了展望。
- Among trees, the dust-retention abilities of Ligustrum lucidum, Platycladus orientalis, Cedrus deodare, Platanus hispauiea anti Spohora japonica were stronger. [结果]不同树种的单位面积滞尘量、单株树木滞尘量均存在较大差异,乔木中,以女贞、侧柏、雪松、悬铃木和国槐的滞尘能力较强;
- Platanus L. 悬铃木
- Platanus occidentalis L. 一球悬铃木
- Platanus orientalis L. 悬铃木
- Platanus orientalis Linn. 三球悬铃木
- Platanus orientalis Willd. 悬铃木
- Platanus orientolis L. 法桐
- Platanus acerifolia L. 二球悬铃木