- Platanthera minutifloran. 小花舌唇兰
- Melinis minutiflora [molasses grass] 糖蜜草
- molasses grass ( Melinis minutiflora Beauv. ) 糖蜜草
- little platanthera herb with root 猪獠参
- )Schltr.[Orchis dentata Sw.;Platanthera dentata (Sw. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Habenaria dentata (Sw.
- south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria. 欧洲南部的兰花,花墨绿色,比小蝴蝶兰大、但不如它香;有时归入玉凤花属。
- south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; 欧洲南部的兰花,花墨绿色,比小蝴蝶兰大、但不如它香;
- south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria 欧洲南部的兰花,花墨绿色,比小蝴蝶兰大、但不如它香;有时归入玉凤花属
- Melinis minutifloran. 糖蜜草
- Phoebe minutifloran. 小花楠
- Aspidistra minutifloran. 小花蜘蛛抱蛋
- Berberis minutifloran. 小花小檗
- Camellia minutifloran. 微花连蕊茶
- Corydalis minutifloran. 小花紫堇
- Valeriana minutifloran. 小花缬草
- Platanthera [医] 二叶长距兰
- platanthera bifolia [医] 成形术, 整形术, 整复术
- narrowspike platanthera tuber 狭穗鹭兰
- Platanthera exellianan. 高原舌唇兰
- Platanthera latilabrisn. 白鹤参