- Biochemistry experiment plays a key role in the studies of this course. 生物化学实验是学好本课程的关键环节。
- Prof.Yuk-Shan Wong obtained his PhD in plant biochemistry from McGill University of Canada in 1979. 黄玉山教授于1979年在加拿大的麦基尔大学取得植物生物化学博士学位。
- It researcy and Explores the reform measures of the course teaching of "Biochemistry and Biochemistry Experiment". 研究和探索了生物化学及其实验教学改革的思路和措施。
- Industrialized production of ASA efficient plant water retention agent has enhanced our nation's capability in plant biochemistry drought resistance sector. 高效植物保水剂的产业化生产,增强了我国在植物生物化学抗旱方面的能力。
- Giving a more generalized talk about perennials and annuals, for instance, is going to be of much greater interest to these retired senior citizens than discussing plant biochemistry. 做一个普及化多年生植物和长寿植物的演讲比做一个植物的生物化学方面的演讲,对那些已退休年老公民来说,显然更有吸引力。
- Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 植物生物化学与生物技术杂志
- Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 植物生物化学与分子生物学
- Biochemistry and Biochemistry Experiment 生物化学及其实验
- Foundation biochemistry experiment 基础生物化学实验
- Through physiological and biochemistry experiments and 16SrDNA sequence analysis, the two marine bacteria strains CHS and SY, were further identified as Pseudoalteromonas. 从分离到的217株细菌中,获得23株碱性蛋白酶酶活高的菌株,对其中两株海洋细菌CHS和SY菌株进行生理生化和16SrDNA序列分析,初步鉴定为交替假单胞菌。
- Results show that this reform can obviously improve the teaching quality of biochemical experiment. 实践证明,这样的改革可提高生物化学实验课的教学质量。
- The impurity of supposedly pure subcellular fractions is a constant threat to the plant biochemist. 以为亚细胞组分很纯而实际不纯的情况,一直是植物化学家感到难办的问题。
- The teaching system of biochemical experiment in the majors concerning biology was studied. 摘要对生物类专业生物化学实验教学体系进行了研究。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The biochemical experiment teaching can expand the space of linking the experiment with the theory knowledge. 利用生物化学实验课可以进一步拓展其与理论知识相联系的空间。
- In 1981 his report on isoperoxidase of Populus initiated the plant biochemical systematics and diversity in China. 1981发表同工酶研究植物分类的报道, 开创了我国植物生化系统学研究。
- This article studies the content, methods and evaluation of biochemical experiment teaching so as to improve the effects of the teaching. 为了提高生物化学实验课的教学效果,本文对实验内容、教学方法及考核办法进行了探讨。英文翻译,英语:
- Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, University of Geneva 瑞士日内瓦大学:植物生物化学和生理学实验室
- Some Applied Techniques in Biochemistry Experiment Teaching 生化实验教学中的几点应用技术经验
- Improvement of Medical Biochemistry Experiment Teaching 谈医学生物化学实验教学的改进