- Place of Far Away Human Being 最远离人类的地方
- The citizens of Far Far Away were in jollification. 在他们度完蜜月之后,来自“遥远国”的钦差来到他们居住的沼泽地。
- I suggest you freaks cooperate with the new King of Far Far Away! 我建议你们这些怪物乖乖地跟遥远王国的新国王合作!
- When human being gives up the fetter of every common custom and just looks traveling as a sacred and imprescriptible right, then we would add a heavy character to the core place of the human culture. 当人类抛开世俗的羁绊,把旅游当作一种神圣的、不可侵犯的权利时,便在人之为人的文化核心部位添上了重重的一笔。
- A human being has the vestige of a tail. 人类仍有尾巴退化的痕迹。
- When Shrek married Princess Fiona, becoming the next King of Far, Far Away wasn't part of the plan. 史莱克和菲奥娜公主结婚时,他并没有打算成为遥远国的下一任国王。
- Heaven is a place nearby so I won't be so far away. 天堂并不是很远,因为我从未远离!
- Money is being used in place of something more direct. 金钱正在被更直接地用来取代某种东西。
- With human beings society development,artificial selec tion has taken the place of natural selection step by step. 随着人类社会的进步,猪的自然选择逐步为人工选择所替代。
- I know where there's a restaurant that serves Brazilian food, but it's kind of far away from her. However, I'm sure you'll be able to find your way round. 我知道哪里有一家做巴西菜的餐馆。只不过离这儿稍微远了点,但我相信你是能够摸过去的。
- A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing. 人类,是一堆可以随意拆卸的铅管零件的巧妙装配。
- A depiction of a point or an area that is far away. 描述(远方之物)对远方的某一点或某一地区的描绘
- When you just want to chase one dream of far away in the sky, the simple way of happiness away from the fingertips, and it was full of dreams expected the foreseeable future. 当你一心只想追逐远在天际的梦想时,简单的幸福就这样从指尖溜走了,而那满心期待的梦境却是遥遥无期。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- The abstract lyrical itself make the writer create and move towards staying cool progressively because of far away from writer"s individual experiencing. 这种抽象的抒情本身由于远离作家个体经验而使作家创作逐步走向停滞。
- He likes to visit place of interest. 他喜欢参观名胜古迹。
- Money is not an inherent part of the human being. 钱财身外物。
- The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。
- Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。
- Sebastian became captain in place of Miles who had broken his leg. 迈尔斯的腿骨折了,塞巴斯蒂安代替他当了船长。