- Pirtus koraiensis 红松
- Gorals seldom feed on Pinus koraiensis,Picea jezoensis,Abies nephralepis(1%,0.7% and 1.7%,respectively). 斑羚在冬季食红松、云杉、冷杉较少(1%25、0.;7%25、1
- The second group included P. albicaulis, P. pumila, P. flexilis, P. sibirica and P. koraiensis. 第二类群包括美国白皮松、偃松、、柔枝松、西伯利亚红松和红松.;图1表3参6
- Among six kind trees observed,SOD activity of Picea koraiensis,Salix matsudana,Populus berolinensis and Ulmus pumila in pollution areas is higher than comparison. 供试的6种树木中,云杉、旱垂柳、中东杨、白榆的SOD活性污染区高于对照区;
- There are severel types of trees in ussuri valley, such as Pinus koraiensis, arix olgensis.]Pinus densiflora, Pinus densiflora var ussuriensis picea[l1].Abies. etc. 乌苏里江流域森林有红松林、落叶松林、赤松林、兴凯湖松林、云冷杉林、针阔混交林和阔叶林等类型;
- The seed density of climax species such as Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, and Acer mono increased, whereas that of Maackia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica decreased. 红松、臭松和色木槭等顶极种的种子密度逐渐增大,山槐、水曲柳等树种的种子密度逐步降低;
- On the similar sites, the growth of three conifer species was Larix gmelini>Pinus sylvestris>Pinus koraiensis, while the lowest death ratio of marginal lines was Pinus koraiensis. 相似立地上,三个针叶树种的生长:落叶松>樟子松>红松,而边缘行的死亡率以红松最低。
- A simple systemic thinning technology adequate for the mixed forest of planted Pinus koraiensis and broadleaf trees in Liaodong region were carried, conducting the forestry management and production. 通过本项研究,制定出的一套适合该地区红松阔叶混交林较为直观、简便的抚育间伐技术,以指导林业生产。
- Pinus koraiensis S. et Z. [医] 海松
- Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. 红松
- Whereas, the seed vigor is an important internal factor,but the maximum of which is 39.8% and the average is only up to 34.6%, which is far lower than that of Pinus koraiensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata. 种子活力最高只有39.;8%25;平均只达到34
- Propagation experiment of Pinus koraiensis by ocher 红松异砧高枝嫁接试验
- broad-leaved Pinus koraiensis forest 阔叶红松林
- P. koraiensis var. nenjiangensis 嫩江云杉
- virgin forest of Pinus koraiensis 原始红松林
- Artificial Pinus koraiensis plantation 人工红松林
- Picea koraiensis Nakai var. nenjiangensis 嫩江云杉
- Pinus koraiensis and broad-leaved mixed forest 红松阔叶混交林
- korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc) 红松
- fruit forest of Pinus koraiensis 红松果林