- Piricularia oryzae virus 稻梨孢病毒
- Inhibitory Experiment of Chlorothalonil and its flourine containing derivative against Piricularia oryzae were carried out. 对百菌清及其含氟衍生物对稻瘟病病原的抑菌作用进行了对比试验。
- In vitro screening of seed-derived and microspore-derived callus lines was carried out by the biotechnology of plant cell culture, with the raw toxin extract of piricularia oryzae as stress factor. 利用植物细胞培养离体筛选生物技术,以稻瘟病菌粗毒素提取液作为外源胁迫因素,对水稻种子体细胞和花粉性细胞无性系,进行愈伤组织细胞培养抗性筛选或花药培养抗性筛选。
- The Control Effect of a Few Chemicals on Piricularia Oryzae Cav. In The Earing Period of Rice 几种药剂对水稻穗期稻瘟病的防治效果
- Piricularia oryzae Cav 稻瘟病
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。
- Pyricularia oryzae virus 稻瘟病菌病毒
- Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
- Oryza virus 1 水稻矮缩病毒
- Oryza virus 3 水稻条纹叶枯病毒
- Oryza meyeriana (Zoll.et Mor.)Baill. 野生于海南,少见。
- A protease is key to the replication of the virus. 蛋白酶是阻止非典病毒变异的关键物质。
- Additional key words:Oryza sativa,oxidative stress. 额外的要害词:不施肥处理、氧化应激。
- Rheumtoid arthritis is also linked with the virus. 风湿性关节炎也和这种病毒有关。
- He might have taken it to combat a summer virus. 他可能服用了此物来抵抗一种夏季的病毒。
- Field Efficacy of Prochloraz against Pyricutaria oryzae Cav. 咪鲜胺防治水稻穗颈瘟田间药效试验。
- Another virus survey was carried out. 对别的病毒进行了观察。
- The virus latches onto the red blood cells. 这种病毒附着在红细胞上。
- Bacterial leaf streak (BLS), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. 水稻细菌性条斑病是由Xanthomonas oryzae pv.