- As such, the grape has more aroma and flavor but lower natural acidity than its cousin, Pinot Blanc. 这种葡萄的口味更香,但是酸度比白皮诺低。
- Pinot Blanc grape is often combined with Klevner and Auxerrois grapes which give more alsacian flavor to the wine. 白皮诺葡萄经常混合百品乐和欧塞瓦葡萄,使葡萄酒更富于阿尔萨斯香味。
- A sparkling wine made the same way as Champagne with Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Riesling or Chardonnay. 一种气泡酒与法国香槟的酿造法一样,用白皮诺、灰皮诺、黑皮诺、雷司令和霞多利酿造。
- Pinot blanc is a genetic mutation or clone of pinot gris, which is in turn, a clone of pinot noir. 白比诺是灰比诺的芽变品种,换句话说,也是黑比诺的芽变品种。
- Due to its low aroma and high acid, high production clones of pinot blanc are also used for blending with muscat in Spumante. 由于其较淡的香气和较高的含酸量,高产的白比诺在Spumante地区被用来与麝香品种(muscat)的葡萄酒混合。
- In spite of its heritage, Chardonnay is not considered a member of the "pinot" grape family (pinot noir, pinot blanc, pinot gris, etc.). 虽然是比诺的后代,但是霞多利并不被认为是比诺家族的成员。
- Vineyards in France are commonly planted with an intermingling of chardonnay and pinot blanc vines, so that "pinot" has often been attached to chardonnay, incorrectly. 法国的葡萄园一般将霞多利和黑比诺混在一起种植,所以比诺被认为与霞多利有关,事实上,这是不对的。
- Pinot Blanc develops a characteristic roundness and opulence. Rich, full-bodied and with a long finish, its complex aroma is reminiscent of woodland and is sometimes slightly smoky. 龙波白皮诺半干白散有着圆润丰韵的特质。丰满,厚实,回味悠长,复杂香气中有着森林树丛、熏烤的气息。
- Pinot Blanc 白比诺葡萄酒
- New Zealand has built its young wine reputation on the production of Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. 新西兰建立起了生产苏维浓白朗和加州红的名声。
- It is used in reds, particularly Pinot noir. 它用红、黑比诺特别。
- A variety of toast levels are used to make Pinot. 各级各类敬酒用来作比诺。
- Pinot Noir tends to be low in phenols. 黑比诺往往是低酚。
- Most say they want "un blanc" (a white). 大部分人都要求对方是白人.
- Like any grape, Pinot enjoys well drained soils. 就像任何葡萄、排水良好的土壤比诺享。
- I finally made it to the summit of Mont Blanc. 我最终登上了勃朗峰峰顶。
- Red Burgundy is made from the Pinot Noir grape. 勃艮第红葡萄酒是由黑比诺葡萄酿制的.
- Mont Blanc is the highest peak in the Apls. 勃朗峰是阿尔卑斯山脉中最高的山峰。
- Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe. 白朗峰是西欧最高的山峰。
- Among its wines are the internationally renowned Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. 在葡萄酒中,最著名的是苏维浓白朗和黑比诺。