- Pilose wax gourd 节瓜
- As to wax gourd containers broth, it was this name. 以冬瓜作为容器炖汤,故得此名。
- Make law use: Wax gourd goes flesh is abluent, cut thick piece. 制法用法:冬瓜去瓤洗净,切厚块。
- Is wax gourd water content high? What fruit is highest? ? 冬瓜含水量高么?什么水果最高??
- "Toast Sucking Pigs" and "Wax Gourd Soup" in Guangdong flavour dishes. 广东菜中的“烤乳猪”和“冬瓜盅”。
- Wax gourd is acidity alkalescent still, what nutrition value and side effect are there? 冬瓜是酸性还是碱性,有什么营养价值和副作用?
- When taking, add salt, gourmet powder to flavor, water boiling water, feed wax gourd. 服用时,加盐、味精调味,饮汤,食冬瓜。
- Prentice learn so everyday, passed to be able to have blown wax gourd very neatly before long. 徒弟每天都这样学,过了不久已经可以将冬瓜刮得很干净了。
- Hating you is cucumber, eating you is watermelon, scolding you is wax gourd, hit you this is goofy. 恨你是胡瓜,吃你是西瓜,骂你是冬瓜,打你这傻瓜。
- Fig.5. Symptoms of fusarial wilt of wax gourd on artificially inoculated plants( left) compared to non-inoculated plants( right). 图五、工接种后出现的冬瓜萎凋病病徵(左为接种组,右为对照组)。
- Ingredients: wax gourd, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor (salt, spices, HVP, natural essential oil) , antioxidant. 配料:冬瓜、葡萄糖浆、精炼植物油、调味料(精盐、香辛料、水解植物蛋白、天然植物精油)、抗氧化剂。
- Wax gourd surface color is blue green, you look closely, there will be a thin layer of cream above, as approved in a white gauze. 冬瓜表面的颜色是青绿色的,仔细一看,上面会有一层薄薄的霜,像批了一件白纱。
- When everybody is acclaiming, see this only prentice throw razor toward that light head, just like like be being inserted on wax gourd. 大家正在喝彩的时候,只见这个徒弟把剃刀往那光脑袋上一扔,就象插在冬瓜上一样。
- Ingredients:wax gourd,glucose syrup,refined vegetable oil,flavor(salt, spices, HVP, natural essential oil), antioxidant. 配料:冬瓜、葡萄糖浆、精炼植物油、调味料(精盐、香辛料、水解植物蛋白、天然植物精油)、抗氧化剂。
- And more than watermelon, soybean milk, beer, Chinese cabbage, mustard greens, bitter melon, lotus leaf wax gourd soup with Han Liang-eat. 更勿与西瓜、豆浆、啤酒、白菜、芥菜、苦瓜、冬瓜荷叶汤等寒凉物同吃。
- The C, provision that affects sexual function: Meat of dish of water chestnut, wild rice stem, wax gourd, cabbage mustard, brake, rabbit, black agaric, marijuana benevolence. c、影响性功能的食品:菱角、茭白、冬瓜、芥蓝、蕨菜、兔肉、黑木耳、大麻仁。
- The dish of many kilograms of 1800 melon such as horn of produces pumpkin, wax gourd, beans, Chinese cabbage carries this market all transfer to other localities. 所产的南瓜、冬瓜、豆角、白菜等1800多万公斤瓜菜通过这个市场全部外调。
- Scallops to the torn wire stem Bess wax gourd into the water, seasoning, and make a powder-sheng less juice by adding an egg white, tune into a good taste of the juice. 把干贝撕成丝把干贝丝倒进冬瓜水中,调味、用生粉打个欠汁,加入一个鸡蛋白,调成一个好好味的汁。
- And then put under a little bit ... accession to the cooking wine, salt 5 grams, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, the soup boil after floating skim foam cup with wax gourd into chunks. 然后置于放有少许...加入料酒、盐5克、味精5克;汤烧开后将浮沫撇去倒入冬瓜盅内即成。