- Physical Layer Devicen. 物理层设备
- The MTP2 layer uses primitives to interact with the network layer above it and the physical layer below it. MTP2 层使用原语与上面的网络层和下面的物理层进行交互。
- The LCP sits on top of the physical layer and is used to establish, configure, and test the data-link connection. 连结控制协定在实体层的上面,被用于建立、组态与测试资料连结的连线。
- The Physical Layer defines items such as: connector types, cable types, voltages, and pin-outs. 物理层定义的项目,:连接器型号电缆类型、电压、边奏。
- They provide additional function by virtualizing and aggregating the resources in the physical layer. 它们通过虚拟化和聚合物理层的资源来提供额外的功能。
- TDM is a physical layer concept, it has no regard for the nature of the information that is being multiplexed onto the output channel. 分时多工属于实体层的概念,当资料被多工处理送到输出通道,是不需要理会资料种类的。
- The Legacy Ethernet transmission process is identical until the lower part of the OSI physical layer. 一直到OSI实体层的较低部份,传统乙太网路传输程序是相同的。
- In physical layer, clients select GPRS (general packet radio service) to access Internet after comparing and analyzing. 在分析比较了几种通信方式以后,我们在下层选择了GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,通用无线分组业务)技术,将客户端接入Internet。
- The paper shows the design and implementation of the software and hardware of the network node controller in a new Packet Radio Network. The controller serves as the Network Sublayer and Data Link Layer device of the Packet Radio Network. 本文介绍了正在研制中的新型分组无线网节点控制器的软硬件设计与实现,该节点控制器用于完成分组无线网网络子层和数据链路层的功能。
- In the defense of physical layer, We analyse the radiation effect mechanism ofhigh-power EMP and 11PM weapons. 物理层的防御中,分析了强EMP和HPM武器辐射效应和效应机理,以
- Our research revealed that by introducing DPO group to the polymer chain, new polymer PKMOTb show more balanced carrier transmission compared with PMOTb, therefore we get lower threshold voltage in single layer device. 研究发现:在PKMOTb长链上引入了DPO基团,获得了相对PMOTb更为均衡的载流子传输能力,从而使单层器件得到更低的启动电压。
- S army.The traditional method on studying JTIDS is focus on the data link layer or physical layer. 传统的对JTIDS的研究只局限于数据链路层及以下层,而研究JTIDS整个网络(或称之为系统,姑且称JTIDS网络)性能的却见之甚少。
- As a whole, the research work of this thesis is to develop a physical layer for a SOPC-based real-time microkernel. 整体而言,本论文研究工作系发展一个以SOPC为基础之微核心实体层设计。
- To alleviate this, bridging was created to communicate at the data link layer while isolating the physical layer. 为了减轻这个问题,桥接方法被采用,在工工作在物理层的中继器之基础上,桥接工作在数据链路层。
- PDD implementations are designed to work with specific MDD implementations, and as such can vary widely from one layered device driver to the next. MDD层驱动可以对一个类型的设备进行驱动。PDD层的驱动则是根据具体的硬件设备和平台专门编写。
- IEEE 802.11,Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) specification[S]. 孙利民;李建中.;无线传感器网络
- Layered device drivers split the code into an upper layer called the model device driver (MDD) and a lower layer called the platform dependent driver (PDD). 分层的设备驱动程序把代码分成一个模型设备驱动(MDD)层和平台相关驱动层(PDD)。MDD层驱动可以对一个类型的设备进行驱动。
- IEEE802.11标准,Wireless LAN Media Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications[S].2002. 郭峰;曾兴雯等.;无线局域网
- Highly deep understanding of UMTS system, especially functionalities of physical layer. ->深入理解UMTS系统,尤其是物理层协议。
- WAN operates at the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI reference model. WAN运作在OSI参考模式的实体层和资料链结层.