- Physeter Linnaeusn. 抹香鲸属
- There has been continued controversy on the taxonomy of Ascaris lumbricoides Linnaeus,1758 from humans and Ascaris suum Goeze,1782 from pigs. 人蛔虫和猪蛔虫的分类地位一直存在争议。
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- The Fasciola hepatica Lmneuus, 1758 and Fasciola g~gantica Cobbold, 1855 belongto Fasciola Linnaeus ,1758 of Fasciolidae Raillet , I 895.Both of them infect the ruminantand human ,so the loss caused by them is enormous . 片形吸虫属于片形科(Fasciolidae Raillet,1895)的片形属(Fasciola Linnaeus,1758)。
- It was a periodical commenced by R. Dodsley in 1758. 它是一种期刊,由R?多兹利在1758年创刊。
- It was a periodical commenced by R . Dodsley in 1758. 它是一种期刊,由r?多兹利在1758年创刊。
- Linnaeus declared that each species had existed since creation. 林奈宣称,自从神造万物以后,这些物种就一直存在。
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- It was the best method best for Meretrix Linnaeus but not to the the Paphia... 而波纹巴非蛤并非如此,它最佳冷冻条件应该处于干冰冷冻和液氮冷冻条件之间。
- In 1758, running for office in Virginia, George Washington dispensed rum, beer and cider to voters. 1758年,美国国父华盛顿在维吉尼亚州竞选公职时,大量分送兰姆酒、啤酒和西打给选民。
- Thickset, blunt-snouted toothed whale (Physeter catodon, family Physeteridae) with small, paddlelike flippers and rounded humps on the back. 抹香鲸科体结实、嘴钝形的齿鲸,学名为Physeter catodon。有桨状的小鳍肢,背上有一列圆形的肉突。
- Franklin sold the almanac in 1758,and it continued publication under a different name until 1796. 富兰克林在1758年开始出售这本年历,一直到1796年,只是名字不同。
- Fort Duquesne was built on the site by the French c. 1750 and fell to the British in 1758, when it was renamed Fort Pitt. 1750年法国人在此地建了杜首斯堡,于1758年落入英国军队手中并被重新命名为匹兹城堡。
- Edmond Halley showed in 1705 that comets seen in 1531, 1607, and 1682 were really one comet, and he predicted its return in 1758. 1705年英国天文学家哈雷表明,1531、1607和1682年观察到的彗星其实是同一颗,并预测该彗星将在1758年回归。
- Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system. 在林尼厄斯确立这个系统之前,要说明植物之间的关系是一个复杂而陌生的事情。
- Also he told me that the design also support an increase in the two 1758 kW small crew frequency conversion design for heating and early evening small loads applications. 另外他告诉记者,在此项设计中还辅助增加了两个1758千瓦的小机组变频设计,用以供冷初期及夜间小负荷应用。
- Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. Repens L. 勒代诺白三叶与六个白三叶品种的同工酶比较研究。
- The Battle of Zorndorf was fought on 25 August 1758 between the Russians under Count William Fermor and the Prussians under Frederick the Great, and ended in Prussian victory. 一七五八年八月二十五日曹恩道夫之役,威廉.费莫尔伯爵率领俄军,和腓特烈大帝率领的普鲁士军作战,最后普鲁士军胜利。
- Binomial nomenclature A system of classification introduced by Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist, in which each species is given two names. 双名法:由瑞典植物分类学大师林萘创立的分类系统。