- Phyllostachys pubescence 毛竹
- Scutellum covered with yellow pubescence. 小盾片密被黄毛。
- Any of several Asian bamboos of the genus Phyllostachys. 紫竹,苦竹一种亚洲竹科紫竹属
- Especially this method is suitable for the leaf with pubescence. 这种方法特别适合于研究叶表皮密被绒毛的植物。
- Young branches densely covered with resinous glands and pubescence. 幼枝密被树脂腺体和短柔毛。
- The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence. 植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。
- Introduction Trial with Phyllostachys kwangsiensis W.Hsiung Dai et al. 假毛竹引种栽培技术研究。
- Oligia vulgaris (Butler) is a main pest of Phyllostachys pubescens in Fujian . 竹笋禾夜蛾Oligia vulgaris(Butler)是福建省竹林的重要害虫之一。
- Leaf blade abaxially with dense pubescence of curved or crisped hairs. 弄弯或卷曲的毛的叶片背面具紧密的短柔毛。
- Branchlets, young leaf blades, and figs densely covered with white pubescence. 小枝,年轻的叶片和榕果密被白色有短柔毛。
- The bamboo species attacked reaches 17 with Phyllostachys praecox being worst. 该病已成为竹子发展的一个限制性因子之一。
- Leaf blade leathery; fruit glabrous or with sparse reddish brown pubescence. 叶片革质果无毛的或具稀的红棕色短柔毛。
- Amino acid content of each part of winter shoot and spring shoot of phyllostachys pubessens was determined. 在毛竹冬笋和春笋两个不同生长时期,对笋体各部位氨基酸含量进行测定分析。
- Bamboo shoot early harvesting and high yielding cultivation technology of Phyllostachys praecox f. Preveralis. 雷竹提早出笋高产技术。
- It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier, particularly for young nymphs. 可以想象,柔毛能形成一个阻障,特别是对幼小的若虫。
- The activity of DNase from Phyllostachys pubescens shoots may be inhibited by ATP and other adenine nucleotides. 毛竹脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNase)活力能被ATP和其它一些腺苷酸抑制。
- Ten accessions representing five grass genera (Oryza, Zea, Setaria, Triticum, and Phyllostachys) were used. 根据遗传距离建立了一个聚类树。
- Pubescence is often poorly developed or absent in proximal florets of viviparous spikelets. 短柔毛是在胎生的小穗的下部的小花里的通常发育不良或无。
- With RAPD molecular markers,19 cultivars and 2 affinis species of? Phyllostachys praecox? were analysed. 对雷竹的 1 9个栽培类型及 2个近缘种进行了RAPD分析。
- Anthocarp clavate, 3-3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded. 假果棍棒状,3-3.;5毫米,5肋,具粘的腺体和稀少短柔毛,先端圆形。