- Photosynthetic eharaeters 光合特性
- The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll. 细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。
- Eva: I've heard that his body is photosynthetic, like a plant. 我听说他的身体可以像植物那样进行光合作用。
- Construction of Bioreactor Using Photosynthetic Proteins. 用促进光合作用的蛋白质构建生物反应器。
- Study on Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristic of Actinidia sp. 猕猴桃叶片光合特性初探。
- Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Rubus strigosus Mick. 树莓光合特性的研究
- Light quality had no effect on photosynthetic performance. 光质则对光合作用表现无显著效应。
- Some photosynthetic eukaryotic unicells are also aerotactic. 一些自养真核单细胞也是趋氧的。
- It follows the Calvin Cycle photosynthetic pathway or C3 pathway. 它进行卡尔文循环光合作用或C3路径。
- Effects of hydrostatic pressure on photosynthetic activities in thylakiods. 静水压对类囊膜光合作用活性的影响。
- In some plants photosynthetic products are stored in the form polyfructosans. 在有些植物中,光合作用产物是以多聚果糖的形式储藏。
- Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ziziyphus mauritiana Lam. 毛叶枣光合特性研究。
- Changes of photosynthetic characteristics of strawberry leaf under shading. 遮荫条件下草莓的光合特性变化。
- A Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Callistemon rigidus R. Br. 红千层光合特性的研究。
- Photosynthetic characteristic of six familiar planting trees in Beijing, China. 北京六种常见绿化树种光合特性研究。
- Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. 附子光合特性研究。
- So the controlling factor of photosynthetic rate was non-stomatal limitation. 白玉兰光合速率控制因子为非气孔限制。
- Water stress promoted allocation of photosynthetic product to the seed. 因此,水分胁迫促进了光合产物向籽粒的调运。
- The photosynthetic responses determine the habitat of P. rubens and P. Mariana in the climax forest. 光合反应决定红云杉和黑云杉在顶极林中的生态环境。
- Right. The leaves' photosynthetic processes slow down, and so they stop producing chlorophyll. 没错,树叶的光合作用减缓了,因此便不再制造叶绿素。