- Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease. 炎症是疾病的症状。
- Phenomenon of Qingpu 青浦现象
- Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century. 恐怖主义是20世纪的现象。
- A typical phenomenon of karst topography. 是典型的峰林现象。
- The phenomenon of cot deathhas yet to be explained. 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。
- A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of. 关于。的现象引发了一场公众讨论。
- The phenomenon of the existence of isomers. 同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象
- Fever and inflammation are phenomenon of disease. 发烧和炎症是得病的现象。
- Is Classical Narratology a Phenomenon of the Past? 经典叙事学究竟是否已经过时?
- The eager is a tidal phenomenon of rivers. 河水上涨是一种河流的潮汐现象。
- The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained. 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。
- His theory embrace the whole phenomenon of chemical reaction. 他的理论包含化学反应的整体现象。
- Picasso was born a phenomenon of the twentieth century. 毕加索生来就是二十世纪的一位非凡人物。
- His theory embraces the whole phenomenon of chemical reaction. 他的理论包含化学反应的整体现象。
- Is congenital palpitate the conceal phenomenon of heart disease? 先天性心慌是心脏病的潜伏现象吗?
- Xujing, a district on the eastside of Qingpu therefore has the great opportunity to develop.Its development will impact on the industry movement and improvement. 青浦区是江浙两省进入虹桥综合交通枢纽的门户和主要通道,青浦区东部的徐泾地区面临着极大的发展机遇,对于青浦区调整产业结构和提升产业能级无疑会起到巨大的推动作用。
- The form of address is a phenomenon of both language and culture. 称谓是一种语言现象 ,也是一种文化现象。
- In AD 219, SunQuan built Qinglong warship in the north east of QingPu, so varied artisans were gathered there.Then there formed a town called as Qinglong town. 青龙镇,公元219年,孙权于青浦东北建造青龙战舰,各类匠人聚集成镇,名青龙镇。
- The natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies. 万有引力巨大物体间相互吸引的自然现象
- The representative work are Changyin Masion, Xinlong Garden, B of Jinpeng Garden, Kaixuan region, 1 tender package of Jiashong road, strobe work in Shitang port of Qingpu etc. 代表工程有长印大楼,鑫隆花园,金鹏花园B区,凯旋豪庭,嘉松公路一标段,青浦西岑石塘港套闸工程,青浦西部防洪除涝配套工程等。