- Peter - The Quan Yin Dog 观音狗彼得
- Is the Quan Yin Method similar to Zen? 观音法门和禅宗类似吗?
- The Quan Yin Celestial Throne consists of a chair and small stool. 多功能观音宝座打坐椅包括主椅以及底下的小椅子两部分。
- I was amazed and wondered why the statue of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva would cry. 我感到好奇怪,怎么观音像会哭呢?
- Why is it that practicing the Quan Yin Method can take us to superior realms? 为什么修行观音法门会带领我们到高等境界?
- After a while you will know that you should just choose the Quan Yin Method. 答:修一段时间后,你就会了解选择观音法门就够了。
- W: What do you think is the essence of the Quan Yin Method taught by Supreme Master Ching Hai? 老师,您认为清海无上师的观音法门的要点是什么?
- I worked hard, all the while looking forward to initiation into the Quan Yin Method. 我一边努力工作,一边渴望早点印心。
- Why does the Quan Yin Method bring us increasingly closer to the level of rulai? 何谓如来?为何修观音法门可以让我们越来越接近如来的等级?
- It was the first time that Argentine practitioners had participated in a Net conference with the Quan Yin Family. 这是此地同修首度加入观音家族的网路会议。
- They came in and revealed that the Quan Yin Bodhisattva had asked them to seek me out and learn something from me. 然后他们进来了,就说观音菩萨告诉他们来我这边学习什么啦!
- The reporter from Oululehti Newspaper, Helsinki, Finland interviews the Quan Yin messenger and fellow initiates. 芬兰赫尔辛基Oululehti报社的记者专访观音使者及同修。
- We were deeply touched by their love for others and faith in our Master and the Quan Yin path! 我们被他们的爱心以及他们对师父和观音法门的信心所深深感动。
- We who practice the Quan Yin Method are clear about everything, and should not be superstitious. 我们修行观音法门,什么都很明白,不应该迷信。
- But never mind, we have practiced the Quan Yin Method, one day we will know which realm is really beautiful. 没关系,我们有观音法门,有一天我们会知道哪一个境界是真正的漂亮。
- She also agreed to assign young reporters to conduct an interview with the Quan Yin messengers. 她更特意安排青年记者采访观音使者。
- Thank You so much for imparting to us the Quan Yin Method, and filling our lives with divine love and bliss. 感谢您教导我们观音法门,让我们的生活洋溢着圣爱与喜悦。
- Dear revered Master, now I know that it was for the Quan Yin Method that I left Cameroon. 敬爱的师父,如今我知道我是为了观音法门才离开喀麦隆的。
- Another woman claimed she saw a brilliant light enveloping the Quan Yin messenger as he explained the Quan Yin Method. 另一个女士则说当观音使者解释观音法门时,她看到一片极亮的光包围著他。
- Suhendra, your problem is not directly related to the Quan Yin Method. If the condition persists and bothers you, you should see a doctor. 苏翰达师兄,你的问题与观音法门并无直接相关,如果状况持续,并造成你的困扰,就应该去看医生并做检查。