- Fog will persist throughout the night. 雾将整夜不散。
- Persistent hypertyrosinemia 持续性高酪氨酸血症
- She resented his persistent approaches. 他一再地表示亲近使她很反感。
- He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle. 他执意要骑那辆破自行车。
- If you persist, you will annoy them even more. 你若固执,他们就更恼火了。
- Cancer is a kind of persistent ailment. 癌症是一种顽症。
- He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一贯玩忽职守。
- The persistent inability to conceive a child. 不孕持续的不能怀孕的能力
- She eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers. 她终于嫁给了最执着追求她的人。
- Stubbornly or perversely persistent. 顽固的顽固地或刚愎地坚持的
- Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread. 尽管一再否认,谣言还是不胫而走。
- He was sent off by the referee for persistent fouling. 他因连续犯规被裁判勒令退场。
- If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison. 如果你再继续违法的话,你会坐牢的。
- His persistent questions finally goaded me into an angry reply. 他三番五次地问问题惹得我回答时也没有好气。
- The cold weather will persist for the rest of the week. 这种寒冷的天气将持续到本周末。
- He was persistent in his questions. 他打破沙锅问到底。
- He will persist in tiding that dreadful bicycle. 他执意要骑那架破自行车。
- You should persist in your ambition. 你应该坚持你的雄心大志。
- A dog that turned out to be a persistent howler. 一只终日不停号叫的狗
- Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist. 即便在现在这个时代,老的观念依然存在。