- Perseverance finally pays off. 终有所成。
- Perseverance Finally Pays Off RONALDO'S rise, as the first player to win the FIFA World Player of the Year Award three times, brings the curtain down on the momentous 12 months for the buck-toothed Brazilian. 三度当选世界足球先生,罗纳尔多荣登个人事业的巅峰 作为第一位三度当选世界足球先生的球员,罗纳尔多,这个龅牙的巴西人,以此项殊荣结束了具有纪念意义的这一年。
- He finally paid off the crew of a ship. 他最终发清了全船船员的薪水。
- Chelsea persistence finally paid off on 31 minutes. 切尔西不懈的努力在第三十一分钟得到了回报。
- Really? It is not easy! But it finally pays off, may i ask you why you spent so much time to repair the bell? 是吗?!真不容易,不过努力终有成果。可不可以问下您为什么要花这么多力气修这个钟呢?
- Michael, C-Note, Sucre and T-Bag's hunt for buried treasure finally pays off;Mahone forces Tweener to make a deadly choice. 探员迫使做出一个死亡的选择(看来可能要成为第二个完蛋的人)并挖掘出新的审问对象。
- All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. 我作为探险家的多年的训练终于有了回报。
- My dear friend, every minute you spend here practicing English will finally pay off in the near future! 我亲爱的朋友,你在这里练习英语的每一分钟在不久的将来都会取得回报。
- All those nights sitting up with the textbooks had finally paid off, though the credit was largely his. 虽然这主要应该归功于他,但是,所有那些夜晚我熬夜啃课本时所下的工夫终于没有白费。
- It took decades, but the persistence of the Narragansett at getting back a part of what belonged to them finally paid off. 虽然耗费数十年,但纳拉甘西特人的坚持终于获得成功,他们总算取回曾经属于他们的一部分。
- Damon, who has a 1-year-old daughter, Isabella, with Bozan, says "all the campaigning" by Clooney and Pitt had finally paid off. 达蒙与妻子波赞有一个一岁的女儿伊莎贝拉。他说,克鲁尼和皮特“所有的宣传工作”都得到了“回报”。
- Montreal's fiscally controversial stadium for the 1976 Olympics, for example, has been racking up interest payments for years, and was finally paid off only in 2006. 例如,引起财政争议的1976年蒙特利尔奥林匹克运动场被利息还款困扰多年,最终于2006年才还请债务。
- He finally pay up six month late. 他最终付清了欠款但晚了6个月。
- He has a huge overdraft to pay off. 他有一大笔透支要偿还。
- His efforts finally paid off. 他的努力最终获得了回报。
- It took them three years to pay off the debt. 他们三年才还清欠债。
- Next he undertook to pay off the debts. 然后他同意负责偿还债务。
- At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to pay off our debts. 在最坏的情况下,我们将不得不卖掉房子来还清债务。
- Years of hard work finally paid off 几年的艰苦工作终于有了回报
- The trade union has agreed the company's pay offer. 工会同意了公司的付酬条件。