- Rényi熵Rényi entropy
- Erdos-Rényi随机网络Erdos-Rényi random network
- Bondartsev&Singer和浅黄褐栓菌Trametesochracea(Pers.)Bondartsev & Singer and ?Trametes ochracea? (Pers.)
- Hájeck-Rènyi不等式the Hájeck-Rènyi inequality
- 这5种真菌,一种是木腐菌,即密粘褶菌Gloeophyllum trabeum(Pers.ex Fr.)Murr. [Lenzites trabea (Pers. ex Fr.)
- Hájek-Rényi型最大值不等式Hájek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- Háyek-Rényi型最大值不等式Háyek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- 对百喜草( Paspalum notatum Flugge)、狗牙根[ Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.Anatomical observation and comparison were made on the root, stem, leaves of Paspalum notatum Flugge, Cyondon dactylon (L.)
- 小刺猴头菌[Hericium caput-medusae (Bull.:Fr.)Pers.]化学成分研究及菌种鉴定Studies on the Chemical Components and Strain Identification of Hericium Caput-medusae (Bull.:Fr.)Pers.
- 米根霉(Rhizopus oryzae Went & Geerlings)、薛氏曲霉(Aspergillus cheva-lieri(Mangin)Thom & Church)、禾黑芽枝霉(Clodosporium herbarum(pers.)Fumigatus Fres. ,Rhizopuz oryzae went &Geerlings,Asper- gillus Chevalieri(Mangin)Thom & Church,Clodosporium Herbarum (pers.)
- 本论文从现代化改造、再工程的角度阐述了对PERS报表系统现代化改造的缘由,改造目标,逆向工程成果; 侧重在现代化改造的系统设计以及设计和改造实施过程中的技术权衡和技术难点。This dissertation addresses the initiatives and the objectives of modernizing PERS Reporting system and reverse engineering result, and then, from modernizing and reengineering perspectives, depicts the new system architecture design and technical tradeoffs and technical difficulties during design and development.