- Gets or sets the computer name for this performance counter. 获取或设置此性能计数器的计算机名。
- Gets or sets the name of the performance counter category. 获取或设置性能计数器类别的名称。
- Controls access to a Windows NT performance counter component. 控制对Windows NT性能计数器组件的访问。
- Properties must point to an existing performance counter. 属性传入的值必须指向一个现有的性能计数器。
- Allows declaritive performance counter permission checks. 允许进行声明性能计数器权限检查。
- Indicates whether the timer is based on a high-resolution performance counter. 指示计时器是否基于高分辨率性能计数器。
- If a performance counter is corrupted, the counter will not return values. 如果性能计数器已损坏,计数器将不会返回值。
- Properties must point to an existing performance counter on the local computer. 属性传入的值必须指向本地计算机上的现有性能计数器。
- A performance counter publishes performance data about an application. 性能计数器发布有关应用程序的性能数据。
- Monitor performance counters in code. 在代码中监视性能计数器。
- To log all performance counters. 以记录所有性能计数器的日志。
- Reinstall performance counters for the directory. 请重新安装该目录的性能计数器。
- Treating performance counters as PerfMon counters. 将性能计数器当作PerfMon计数器。
- Performance counters for database mirroring. 数据库镜像性能计数器。
- Unload and reload the routing performance counters. 卸载再重新加载路由性能计数器。
- Using code to monitor performance counters. 使用代码来监视性能计数器。
- Load test data contains performance counter samples collected periodically from the computers-under-test. 负载测试数据包含从测试计算机定期收集的性能计数器样本。
- Gets or sets the name of the performance counter category for this performance counter. 获取或设置此性能计数器的性能计数器类别的名称。
- Gets the name of the server on which the category of the performance counter resides. 获取性能计数器的类别所驻留的服务器的名称。
- There are two types of performance counter categories: single-instance and multi-instance. 有两种类型的性能计数器类别:单实例和多实例。