- Per cutem screw 经皮螺钉
- saturation of blood oxygen per cutem 经皮血氧饱和度
- Treatment of renal cyst with symptom by placing canal and hardening per cutem 经皮置管硬化治疗症状性肾囊肿
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- Nursing care of patients with bulla undergoing per cutem lung piqure therapy by giving fibrin glue sealant 纤维蛋白胶封闭剂经皮肺穿刺治疗肺大疱的护理
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一个螺钉。
- Summarization on Treating 28 Cases of Fracture of Calcaneus by Internal Fixation With Per cutem Round Osseous Pin 撬拨整复经皮骨圆针内固定治疗跟骨骨折28例小结
- Observation on therapeutic effect of children with diarrhea treated with per cutem medication 经皮给药治疗小儿腹泻疗效观察
- The taste of the lemon made her screw up her face. 柠檬把她酸得龇牙咧嘴。
- Does this lid screw on, or does one press it down? 这个盖子是拧的还是按的?
- The clinical application of biopsy and nyxis per cutem pulmo tissue under ultrasonic guidance 超声引导下经皮肺组织穿刺活检的临床应用
- Turn the screw to the right to tighten it. 将螺钉向右旋紧。
- They tried to screw money out of me. 他们试图勒索我的钱。
- At each turn the screw goes in further. 每一次旋转都使螺丝钉更向里进。
- The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- Treatment of upper urinary calculus by per cutem nephros ureteroscope(report of 3 cases) 微创经皮肾输尿管镜取石术治疗上尿路结石(附3例报告)
- Could you screw the lid off the jar? 你能把这瓶子的盖子给旋开吗?
- Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
- Postoperative nursing care of patients after underwent intraoperative per cutem jejunum fistulation 术中经皮空肠穿刺造瘘术术后病人的护理