- People stood around in huddles. 人们三五成群地到处聚集着。
- People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain. 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨。
- People stand around in small huddle,shelter from the rain. 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨。
- People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨.
- They carried the wanderer to the Market Place, and the people stood around in respectful silence. 守旧老人把漫游者抬到集市区,人们毕恭毕敬地站在周围,鸦雀无声。
- A bad Navigator guide people "lose more", and people stands around in the origin. 一个不好的领航员;引导人们输的更多;并非学的更多;人们会因为你的引导不当;永远在原地踏步.
- People stand around in small huddle, shelter from the rain 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨
- We all stood around in the corridor waiting. 我们分散站在过道里等着。
- Students stood around in groups waiting for their results. 学生们成群地站在周围等待成绩。
- a bunch of keys on a ring; people standing around in bunches. 环上的一串钥匙;围圈站着的人们
- People all stand around in a circle, join hands and sing loudly (drunkenly! 所有人站着,围成一个圆圈,手拉着手,放声歌唱(醉醺醺地唱!)
- After the plane crashed, there were hundreds of people standing around gawking. 飞机坠落后,好几百人站在那里呆呆地看着。
- On the floor people were in huddles. 交易所的人都乱作一团。
- While the bosses sheltered underground, plant workers recall, people stood around awaiting instructions, breathing poisoned air as they watched smoke burst from the reactor's exposed core. 核电厂人员回忆当时,长官们在地底下的掩体中,许多人就呆站在外面等待指示,呼吸著有毒气体,眼看著浓烟从裸露的炉心窜出。
- 5.People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain. 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨.
- It was Stuart who made the call while the others stood around in the sun and listened. 打电话的是斯图亚特,其他人则站在太阳低下,听着。
- He batted the idea around in his head. 他脑子里反复思考这个想法。
- Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes. 猪在树丛中乱拱。
- Hundreds of people stood outside unable to get in. 数以百计的人站在外面,却不能进来。
- People stood in a long queue to buy train tickets. 买火车票的人排成长龙。